Instrument Landing System on Runways/Airfields

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I’d like to suggest the addition of Instrument Landing System in all game modes of Aircraft Runways, but what

An Instrument Landing System or ILS for short is system that acts as both as manual and automatic guidance for safe landing approach towards the runway. An ILS produces 2 radio signals that intersect each other, 1 produces a signal that tells you if you are left or right of the glideslope and the other, whether you are high or low on glideslope. (The glideslope is the Safe angle of descent when coming in to land)

The first use of this system was during in the Interwar peroid, used by Commercial Airports, where it worked almost flawlessly and increased safety within the Commercial Aviation Industry. If added to game, it would be available at all BRs and make landing aircraft easier for new players and more experienced ones (E.g. the type that have just started playing jets and are not used to speeds/landing distances that they have.)

How it will work in game:

When you approach the Airfield, from any angle when at certain distance, it’ll display a see-through non-rotating ring icon just outside where the glideslope starts based on your altitude. (Too low and it won’t display at all) Fly through the ring and the glideslope will appear on in the form of 4 triangle Icons, 2 parallel either side of your aircraft (showing if you are high or low) and the other 2, above and below your aircraft (showing if you left or right of the glideslope). Whilst in the glideslope, you can choose to leave it, use it’s guidance to fly a manual landing approach or Press the Enter Key; which will automatically land the aircraft for you, which you can abandon at any time you wish (Just by pressing any of the control surface keys or hitting up on your aircraft’s throttle.)

Now I know not all aircraft in game had access/used this system or had an auto-pilot that can capture an ILS glideslope and guide the aircraft in for safe landing automatically, but I’m taking a bit of creative liberties here by stating that your pilot will do that for you. (He’ll know where the glideslope is, he’ll know what speed and angle of descent he will need to be at, etc… In short, he’ll be doing from his training experience on the aircraft, like a real pilot would)

So with that said, any thoughts on this…

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In general, navigation is a topic that should be tackled, as we still use basically pre-WW2 navigation methods, if at all.

Still, I fear this may have limited use and thus limited priority, as it affects gameplay especially for the most frequent game modes litte or not at all… = (


The basic concept was give players an in match tutorial/learning guide that they turn off once they’ve master it.

For example… I’ve seen a lot players not know how to land the Me 264 and end up over shooting the runway or crashing horribly. I’ve struggled too with this aircraft at times, roughly 40% of my landings result in fatal crash, it’s hard aircraft to land due it’s incredibly long glideslope and it’s large wingspan that generates so much lift that it only wants to go up.

If were to meme the Me 264 when coming into land, it would be this…

Player: “Come on, why won’t you touch down on the runway already.”

Me 264: “I can’t!”

Player: “Why the hell not?”

Me 264: “Can’t go down dumb*ss, I can only go up!”
That is a quote from Suction Cup Man episode 1 (by Piemations) BTW.

The Me 264 has an in-game landing speed of 220 km/h.
The difference is that, like one of the few German bombers, it has a nose landing gear, so if the landing speed is too low, it will start to fall on the back of the fuselage…
I recommend practicing in a test flight and being careful with the landing flaps.
When the wheels touch the airport at around 220-230 km/h, it’s fine and you have to push the elevator down when braking…

Just because it doesnt bring combat use, doesnt mean its not a good gameplay mechanism. This game says its realistic right? Itd be awesome atleast for sim players


There is point I’d like to make to everyone.

How often have you landed wheels down in the touchdown zone (The area at the start of each end of the runway), especially with a very large aircraft?

Because if the answer is not very consistently or not at all, then you’re not as good of a pilot as you think you are. Not landing in that zone increases the hazards of overshooting the end of runway and crashing upon touchdown.

I’ve been trying to aim for landing in the touchdown zone during my gameplay more often to increase my chances of successful and safe landings, and kick myself when don’t manage to do it but I am improving and it something you should too, as a means of improving your piloting skills.

Flying isn’t just about how well you do in the air, it’s also about how well and precise you are when coming into land.

Thankfully, if this gets added, you have an aid to help you improve your ability to perform more precise and safer landings.

Would be nice to have something like that, just for sim fun, that would be enough, it wouldn’t need to be full ILS, but I think that wouldn’t be to much harder to implement on some screen/head-up display in aircraft, at least working aproach lights could be added, like, I was jist trying one plane and I noticed those lights when I was coming for landing, in hope that they showing me glideslope for real, but no, there are only lights (two where, two red) shining consistently (indication of good glide slope). Would love to see this work too.

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Yes, but it’s not working in WT - they always show two white, two red, no matter where you are relative to the glide slope.


Fcking autocorrect 😂 it was supposed to be “white” not where 😂

And it was PAPI system 😅

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We used to do Quadradar/GCA landings in FSX when I was commander of the Virtual Swiss Air Force. THOSE were a lot of fun!


At least there should be some guidance for carrier landings. Especially for jets. Carrier landings are very difficult and take practice and good guidance. Some aircraft the over the nose viz is not good or down right terrible while on a slow approach, which make carrier landings very difficult.

Some prop planes can do with some guidance, especially post war naval props and early jets, even if it is just the “ball” system on the left side of the deck.

Some planes even have the two arrows and circle indicator next to the HUD modeled but it is not working.

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