On the F-111F it’s AGM-130A max drop speed is mach 1.4.
On the F-15E it’s AGM-130A max drop speed is mach 1.0.
It’s clear that different aircraft have varying restrictions, even when using the same weaponry, and that’s not my primary concern here.
I’m curious about the source that indicates the AGM-130A’s max drop speed is Mach 1.0 for the F-15E. If no source is available, does that suggest that the max drop speed for the AGM-130A on the F-111F might be incorrect, or is it the other way around?
Another question I have is the max release speed of bombs in general. Isn’t bombs (no matter what specifications) max release speed mach 1.0? I think there was a bug report made on it and the devs said that it’s a blanket stat. However some bombs don’t have this such as the walleye and Grom 2s.
Yeah, I wish Gaijin can give us a clear stance on the max employment speed of bombs. At lease they accepted a bug report on the GBU-15 (Community Bug Reporting System) which is nice.
Also, I looked through the F-15E manual and I can’t seem to find the max employment speed of the AGM-130, so I’m curious if the mach 1 release speed is a placeholder.
As a general rule of thumb, in game if its rocket powered, it has a higher release speed. (AGM-130, PGM. AGM-65, etc) if it doesnt (like a bomb or GBU) then it has a release speed of Mach 1.01 with a few exceptions like the PW4.
So probably just submit a bug report for the incorrect drop speed on the F-15E citing the F-111F has a different release speed?
Another person made one similar to this issue however was denied because similar weapon doesn’t mean the same employment speed. Community Bug Reporting System
By chance do you know if Gaijin released an article, statement, or of that sorts regarding this? I have a feeling it’ll get denied because there’s no available documentation on this.
Either my pdf reader isn’t scanning/finding the words correctly, or it isn’t there. I think the next best thing is to look for test reports stating the F-15E releasing the AGM-130 while going supersonic, though I can’t seem to find one.
Maybe this source might work because it’s referring to the GBU-15’s limitations as a whole but it could very well be referring to the weather and scenario (chance of collateral damage) limitations