Inferior tanks against Russian tanks


I ended up being very frustrated because I finished a lot of gravel tanks and now in the Americans I am facing a big problem. Any hit you take in the American Abrams tanks, if you are not dead, besides destroying the rotation of the turret, kills your gunner and the commander, and you must be able to destroy the cannon as well, if not the cannon breach.
Why do American tanks have so many weakspots.
I gave 70 EURO on ClickBait. and now it has become a garbage due to the changes made in secret.
I understand that this game, being made by Russians, favors Russian tanks, but the Players are not only Russians. Without the players from NA, EUROPE and CHINA the game would definitely die. Are you really kidding us?
How is it possible to put object 292 into the game and give it a critical without damage to any module, after it shows me that I hit it, or moments when the shell passes through it without doing anything to it, for you these are not do they seem absurd to you?
I come from another game with tanks that I played for 10 years, I like it here too, but when you spend money on a premium tank, please brother, as I spent money on it, don’t modify the premium tanks once they are released.
These people from the staff, if you buy a TV and after you get home with it, after a week the smart functions start to disappear, the 4k, how would you feel, working for that money and others who will take a little of the specifications you bought.

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So ClickBait became garbage because its reload was buffed?
The only change to it…

This is a game made by an international community, there is no Russian tech tree, there is no favoritism toward the Soviets, no Russian bias.

My only advice is to adjust your playstyle and remember the survival onion:
Don’t be seen.
If seen don’t be shot at.
If shot at don’t be hit.
If hit don’t be penned [turret shot ideally].

They gotta spot you, shoot, and hit you before they get to the penning part.


welcome to post 1290739047 of “I am doing poorly in X vehicle and am going to blame everything i can think of other than myself”


War thunder does not make “secret changes” as players could easily find them in the code of the game


I ended up being very frustrated because I finished a lot of gravel tanks and now in the Americans I am facing a big problem. Any hit you take in the American Abrams tanks, if you are not dead, besides destroying the rotation of the turret, kills your gunner and the commander, and you must be able to destroy the cannon as well, if not the cannon breach.
Why do American tanks have so many weakspots.

Seems like your enemies know where to aim, and you are not that good at positioning yourself in a way that hides your biggest weakspot: Your turret ring.

gave 70 EURO on ClickBait. and now it has become a garbage due to the changes made in secret.

Haha RIP

I understand that this game, being made by Russians, favors Russian tanks, but the Players are not only Russians.

Sure thats why russians have one of the worst winrates at top tier. Cope more.

How is it possible to put object 292 into the game and give it a critical without damage to any module, after it shows me that I hit it, or moments when the shell passes through it without doing anything to it, for you these are not do they seem absurd to you?

Thats because, opposite to you, the enemy seems to know how to angle and position himself and you, opposite to the enemy, don’t know where to shoot. Git Gud.

I come from another game with tanks that I played for 10 years, I like it here too, but when you spend money on a premium tank, please brother, as I spent money on it, don’t modify the premium tanks once they are released.

As someone said, the only change made was a BUFF for the Reloadspeed of the tank. Stop coping and accept that you are just a bad player.

Dr. PLUT0NIUM’s Prescription:

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Let me guess, you are nowhere near close top tier in the tech tree.


There is the whole DP argument that has been going for a while with the abrams. The whole tanks is a weak spot and people will always shoot at your gun first. The whole 5 second reload is only if you have an aced crew and most people who buy the clickbait or kvt dont spend additional money on the crew so your stuck with a much lower reload, so unless you want to spend more money to bring the crew up and ace it you will not get the maximum performance out of the tank. The $70 tank is more of a $100 tank.

You will have problems doing front pen on just about anything you run into with the abrams, they dont have the same problem when shooting you ( most rank 5 tanks can kill you head on ). Most people dont agree on how the abrams is portrayed in the game with 0 armor protection for a modern battlefield, but Gaijin refuses to accept any documentation that it is given to prove otherwise, and would only accept the classified documentation as proof of the armor, but cant accept that due to being classified so we are left with basically the worst possible abrams.

People have figured out how to be effective with it in the game though. Essentially its a flanker and sniper. If you expect to go in to a brawling tank fight you will loose. If your first shot on a tank doesnt kill them or disable their gun you are dead. Being aggressive with the abrams will just get you killed.

Like everything you have to adapt to using vehicles of different nations. When we thing if tanks we thing hard to kill, but everything can get killed. Not every tank can take a head on brawl and come out winning. The depictions of vehicles in this game have some real life elements to them, but in the end its just a game and not a 1 to 1 representation of their real world equivalents .

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There is none in any meaningful amount that affects more than a few tanks at high tier. If there was, it would be much more apparent, and wouldn’t be at higher brs only.

Idk what they mean by no Russian tech tree, there literally is one.

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If there was bias why is the 2A7V the best MBT in the game?
And before that it was Strv 122s which are still 2nd.
Soviets haven’t had the best fighter jet since Mig-21Bis’s introduction, and it was best cause countermeasures didn’t exist at the time.

There’s a Soviet tech tree which features Russian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, etc equipment, but it’s not a Russian tech tree.

Germany has usable tank → Russia isn’t great

“well akshually USSR-”

You posted that, no one else.
Bias means they have equipment not seen elsewhere that could have that equipment.

If Russian tanks were in fact superior, everybody would simply play Russian tanks. They don’t.

That fact alone blows you out of the water.

Honestly, the problems are basically that top tier is totally unbalanced. Russian tanks are parts of the bests tanks but German and Swedish Leopard are also unbalanced. Some nations such as Italia, France or Israel and probably others have really bad tanks in War Thunder (mainly because they were badly implemented by Gaijin).
One undeniable proof is the Esport teams, they are only playing Germany, Russia (USSR), USA or Japan. This shows that tanks are more meta than others, it is a reality.

This shows my point too!
The most played nations are Germany, USSR and USA because they have overall the most powerfull tanks/lineup…

Will revive an old thread but not important.

I’m currently playing german in 4.0BR and the russian SU, T34 and IS are IMPOSSIBLE to kill.
The only way is to manage to go behind them and shoot at least 5 times but “as if by chance”, they alway see everything…
(exception of sturer emil/dicker max, but they’re so slow it’s impossible to take position before getting one shot)

really frustrating.

They can give you trouble, but they are definitely not impossible to kill. I’m currently playing the Comet and the rank 3 Challenger, and I routinely pen the front armor of both all of those vehicles. The turret cheeks on the IS and T-34s are very vulnerable to armor piercing rounds from most medium tanks and tank destroyers. If you’re having trouble with a tank, use the protection analysis and figure out where the weak points are with the type of ammo you’re using and adjust your strategy from there.

Are you confusing IS with KV? Playing 4.0 germany you should not see 5.7 vehicles. Assuming you meant KV: Shoot the lower-front-plate. Its a rather big target - incomparrison to the upper-front-plate. 90 procent of the times, shooting the KV’s lower front plate will outright destroy it.

Dont engage KV’s that are angeled to you, unless you know how to adapt. Otherwise wait for better opportunity, or maybe a different target.

As one other guy said shoot t-34’s turret cheeks, or if you are close enough - their upper-front-plate. At greater distances, in my oppinion it quickly becomes unrealiable to shoot at the t-34’s upper-front-plate.

In my oppinion, best place to kill enemy tanks are from the side, somewhere below the turret is gonna kill most things.

Have a good one :)

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