Inferior tanks against Russian tanks

There is, just look why War Thunder was inventied and what the inventor liked.

He was a big fan of russian vehicels and wanted to present them to the other ppl.

And if you take a look to the reactiv armor on the top tier russian vehicels, You can’t tell me it has a protection of 250mm against Armorpiercing rounds.

ERA of Soviet vehicles gives protection according to NATO documents.
Look into how ERA protects from kinetic rounds.
Here’s a sampler: Flier plates that doesn’t work with NATO tactics.

The only ever preference any of the management has is toward Sweden, yet no one claims Swedish bias yet Sweden has always been better than the Soviet tech tree.

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There is no sweden bias too then

Correct. There is no bias of any tech tree in War Thunder.
Every tech tree has negative issues with some of its vehicles whether they’re bugs or general weaknesses.

The thing is russian vehicel are small and have “less” weakspots than the bigger NATO tanks. Thats why they are so good.

They have as many weakspots.
T-90M and 2A7V have identical weak spots.
T-90BVM and M1A2 just have armor swapped turret and hull.
Then of course the universal idler wheel weakspot on all tanks that makes CQC the ultimate equalizer.


The only people that claim T-80BVM is superior are Russians.
It fires a worse “3rd worst” round, has no turret armor just like how Abrams has no hull armor, no CITV, , less nimble than the Abrams, and a significantly slower reload.
I know, you think I’m espousing American propaganda against Russia; facts don’t care.

Nice replacing Russians. I don’t care what Russians said.

I’ve never seen Russian mains claim anything such as this, even when the SU25SM3 was controlling and vaporizing whole teams in seconds, no Russian mains claimed that its broken, they say otherwise.

That spalls more and can kill B+ in one shot??

The ERA that overperform and cannot be penetrated?

Relikt disagrees.

More nimble.

Reload doesn’t matter when you’re gonna survive multiple shots.

I also do not care what an Employee would say.

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The size of them

Amazing how everybody jumped on this guy (led of course by Gaijin’s very own AlvisWisla)and now much of the forum agrees with him including a load of top content creators.

bro, do some research on the vehicles before you dump 70$ into them, the american tanks suck because they have no spall liners, terrible armor and weakspots. the us teams suck because everyone wants the abrams tank and doesnt do any bit of research before hand.

he said “less”, not “fewer”. as in; area not amount.

type yes, area no.

which is currently a BIG complaint among many players, they want bigger maps, not smaller. If CQC is the biggest equalizer then making maps smaller (area, not edge to edge measurement) is sadly a balancing solution when it shouldn’t be.

Area of T-90M and 2A7V weakspots are the same.
Both are LFP and breech.

The players are the ones allegedly doing this balancing decision then, cause Gaijin isn’t.

How do you come to that conclusion?
the T-90M is smaller than the Leopard 2A7V so the sqr meter area is noticeably smaller for the whole tank. the weak-points physical place on the tanks are the same (almost) but the sqr meter of weak-points are not the same.

the L2A7V also has the ufp as a weak-point towards the T-90M when they face each other.


They visually look similar (front vs upper front is switched as weak-points though) but since the t-90M is smaller the sqr meters of total weak-points (on all 4 sides) is less.

They actively are by removing long range engagement spots. they have several times blocked of areas of maps to be no longer accessible (made them red marked) or put map elements in the way of sniper spots effectively shortening the average engagement distance on those maps. that is Gaijins doing, not the players.

Protection mapping.
T-90M is smaller, but that also means T-90M’s breach in relation to the rest of its turret size is a larger weakspot in relation to its total turret front compared to 2A7V.

Which usually makes it easier for people to hit the weakspot [T-80BVM experience] despite the turret being smaller, due to the weakspot being the same size as an Abrams weakspot, the weakspot is perceived as larger on the T-80BVM due to the smaller turret, making shots easier.

Both from personal experience fighting BVMs and being shot at by everyone that isn’t a typical Abrams easily shooting my non-ERA covered portions of the BVM turret since it’s over 50% of the turret face non-covered compared to >40% of the Abrams turret face, or >30% of the 2A5+ turret face.

that would be true regardless of size though. what you describe is just a percentual part of a total area and has nothing to to the the total area compared to another total area.
50% of 1m² is still going to be less than 30% of 2m² in total area even if the percentual part is bigger.

this makes no sense what so ever. its like saying “yeah, it easier to hit 1m² on the side of a car than it is to hit 1m² at the side of a truck”. the size of the surrounding area has nothing to do with how easy it is to hit what you are aiming for.

Your logic here doesn’t track.

I’ve had the complete opposite experience. I’ve been frustrated ever since the module update and have just about stopped playing WT. I have not survived once after having my autoloader broken. Not my ammo being hit but the autoloader. Even with the crew maxed out and expert qualified, the repair just takes to long. It could be chalked up to being at the wrong place at the wrong time and being in the head space of pre-module update. But yeah. Is what it is.

+L prem lol

I’m up to 5.3 now but yeah probably meant KV. Even at 5.3 I don’t see that much IS ^^

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The nice thing about going from fighting KV’s to IS 1’s and -2’s is that similiarly to the KV’s the lower front plate is a great place to shoot for the one-tab. Do keep in mind the IS has more tricky armor and it can be confusing to fight them when they too, are angled to you. A little trick: On the IS the front/side armor curves with the lower shape of the Turret - If a IS 1 or 2 is angled to you, this angled part of the front/side is a great place to shoot it, when the tank is angled to you. Otherwise when you get into american and german 75s or their respectable 90 and 88 mm guns shoting the turret cheeks on the IS 1 and 2s are also great places to kill it. <3

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70 euros for an imaginary tank that they can change at any time.