Indian Mig29 to UK tree and Rafale

Yes. I agree. Also we should remove a lot of the vehicles in the Chinese and Swedish trees.

Alternatively, we could just give everyone sub-trees and make every nation the same. I think that the U.S. could use a Pantsir and R3-T20.

What they should have done is made nations like italy, sweden, israel, and china subtrees or stand-alone vehicles in pre-existing nations, (e.g. Italy and sweden as German sub-trees, china as russian subtrees, and israel as a U.S. sub-tree).

Those that are premium? Cuz there is no aircraft in US Free TT that have not been used by USAF/USN/USMC corps, or even ANG.

But feel free to find me an exemple of UK aircraft in the non premium TT,…


Have been used by Marines → next?

Built under license : 102 AV-8A aircrafts

AV-8C → is modernisation of 47 aircrafts out of the previous 102

Both differs from Harrier GR.1/3’s by internal equipments (engines/ejection seat/avionics).

Can you not read the guy want to remove all copy paste planes no matter if they used them or not

That’s not a copy-paste ^^"

And btw,… i’m pretty ok with him → stop giving some nations things that are not theirs.

Regroup all of those Unique vehicules and create one large TT of world unique vehicules.

Which is made by who

Pratt&Whitney(AV-8A so also the AV-8C) instead of Rolls Royce (Harrier GR.1/3’s)

No the American Harriers have always used a Rolls Royce Pegasus

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I get some nations need copy paste to survive, but Britain is not one of them. Indian stuff can go to GB when and only when it is British in origin or Unique to India. Any other case, it should go to the country of origin. I also think that with Russia, the US, Germany, and even parts of nations like Sweden (why does it need a 2A6 if it has the STRV 122s? It’s not like Germany got a second 2A6) or China.

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They can

Engines have been licensed to Pratt &Whitney, i can assure you that my boy,…

Do your search,…

Bristol-Siddeley Pegasus Mk. 5 Turbofan Engine | National Air and Space Museum.
The unique Pegasus engine powers all versions of the Hawker Siddeley Harrier multi-role military aircraft. Rolls-Royce licensed Pratt & Whitney to build the Pegasus for US built versions. However Pratt & Whitney never completed any engines, with all new build being manufactured by Rolls-Royce in Bristol, England.

Have you done any searching

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Rafale and Mig29K aside, India’s Su30mki as an international project follow-up to the Super Sukhoi transformation has nothing to do with Russia(I guess the Russian Su30 must be able to launch Astra missiles XDDDDDDDD), why not join the UK? So will China’s su27 variant not be able to join the game? Racists are a bunch of clowns


Thats just so funny mate
your getting beaten by Razer

Pretty sure the SU-30MKI also uses ASRAAM, It’s not that the UK would necessarily need it though as I’d expect Eurofighters soon after the SU-30M

For once,… but yet, this wasn’t explainned on the Harrier Siddeley Wikipedia pages, but only in the engine page of Wikipedia.

That’s just show how Wikipedia is unsafe.

I hopefully in the future gajin add indian fighter aircraft 12.3 & 12.7 BR such as MiG-21UPG Bison, Mirage 2000i, Sea Harrier FRS.51 (2012), MiG-29UPG and Mirage 2000H before Su-30MKI upgrade by HAL & Rafale EH


MiG-29K offers a 12.7 option, the 2009-2019 standard without Fox-3s
The CF-18A would be 12.3, it simply doesn’t have the flight performance for 12.7
CF-18A+ would be at least 13.3, AMRAAMs are crazy good
The Eurofighter would be at least 13.3, AMRAAMs are crazy good
So they’re all different BRs and very different vehicles, why not add them all?