Indian Mig29 to UK tree and Rafale

You see we colonised over a quarter of the world because we knew war thunder would be created, and we could get the best line ups by taking old colonies vehicles


What were they moaning about please tell me i didn’t see them doing that

Ahhh It’s so hard to answer this, depend on the decision of gaijin and staff

I might expect gajin could add another fighter aircraft with active radar homing MRAAM at 12.7 after JAS39C Gripen from SAAF before Eurofighter Typhoon FA.2

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Haha, had to at least leave them 1 vehicle.

Pro lásku boží co máte všichni s československou technikou v Rusku.



by any chance are you related to alvis wisla who was previously known as razervon on the forums?

No he does not like me

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yeah a friend told me to name my self RazerVon and i liked it

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Why even play the other trees if one tree will have everything. Just, no.

To be able to play as that nation and what they used
to be able to play line ups with nation
Think if your nations planes and tanks were scattered in tech trees that would be terrible as you wouldn’t be able to play as your nation like others do

Like another user recommended, add Tejas as that is an unique plane. The others are copy/paste vehicles from other trees. Especially with Rafale, it takes something uniquely French and provides 0 incentive to go down France. As that happens with more vehicles, the matchmaker will just be bogged down by UK vs UK which is incredibly boring (if you remember the US vs US days, you know)

Rafale is fair enough not to add as it would be strange if UK had all the euro cannards

Still happens with US v US or USSR v USSR if you hit the right BR bracket (10.0+ usually)

HAL Tejas Mk.1 large variety of Air-to-Air Missile and Air-to-Ground armament from Israel, NATO, Indian & russian

Personally I think HAL Tejas Mk.1 great lightweight Multirole fighter for british tech tree in the future

How are different between Tejas Mk.1 FOC & IOC standard ?


An early MiG-29K with R-27ER and R-73E would be perfect for 12.7, being better than the overtiered G and SMT and IMO would have been a much better addition than the JAS-39C and its entirely fictional armament.
The Rafale and Su-30MKI are quite a bit more capable than anything in-game largely due to their armaments, but would be worthwhile additions eventually once the game gets up to that point.


Nah sometimes it needs to be limit plus why need MiG-29? when UK can have better choice such as CF-18 or Eurofighter

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ATD-X / F-2 ? F-1? are those jokes to you?

An Indian sub-tree for the UK makes sense, but I don’t think the UK should get vehicles they didn’t actually use. Same thing goes for American vehicles in the Taiwanese sub-tree and “Argentinian vehicles” in the German tree. Keep it domestic, or make it substantially unique, but no copy-paste.

Then remove the British planes in the American tree
lets remove Israel while we are at it
and all of Japan top tier along with Italy
Get rid of the East German stuff as well