Next batch of vehicles have been added! A fair few this time.
Olifant Mk 1A Track Width Mine Plow (Rank V, Squadron)
Olifant Mk 1A with camo netting and a mine plow. Super simple addition, a little unique compared to what’s in the tech tree, nice squadron vehicle that could be earned for free.

Jordanian M60 Phoenix Level 1 (Rank V, Jordanian Line)
The first of the major upgrades to Jordanian M60s, including a new FCS from Raytheon, but most importantly the RUAG 120mm Compact Tank Gun.

Armoured Cars
Eland 60 (Rank III, Armoured Car Line)
Cheeky little fella slinging 60mm low velocity HEAT. Would be a perfect light tank around 4.7 - 5.0 (the HEAT is not very good).

Class 2 Armoured Car (77mm) ‘Cheetah Mk II’ (Rank IV, Armoured Car Line)
An early prototype for the Rooikat program, equipped with the same turret as the Concept tanks. However, it is significantly faster, and potentially could utilise APDS and an optical rangefinder, hence the higher rank.

Class 2B Armoured Car (76mm) (Rank V, Armoured Car Line)
An evolution of the Class 2 Prototype, now with the GT-4 76mm naval cannon slinging APFS-DS.

Tank Destroyers/IFVs
Jordanian M52 (Rank III, TD/IFV Line)
Jordanian M52 Self Propelled Howizter. Based on a backwards M41 chassis, similar to the M44, but with a 105mm howitzer and an enclosed, partially rotating turret. The one pictured had a less-than-ideal encounter with some Israeli armour.

Rooikat LCT-30/ZT3 (Rank VII, TD/IVF Line)
Rooikat equipped with a slightly bodged Denel LCT-30/ZT3 turret
Mercedes Gun Tractor 20mm (Rank III, SPAA Line)
Precursor to the Ystervark, 20mm AA cannon mounted on the rear of a Mercedes Gun Tractor. May actually perform slightly better then the Ystervark in game because of the improved firing angles.
Removed Vehicles
Cheetah PRTL
Cheeky fuckers photoshopped this one