Increase Size of "Autoturret" Icon

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At the moment, we have two self-preopelled anti-aircraft vehicles that have 2 (Tor-M1) and 4 (Pantsir-S1) radar channels, that help to fire missiles automatically, by selecting an aircraft, pressing the hotkey for automatic turret’s targeting and firing a rocket. Once pressed, the target icon pops up at the top of the aircraft, meaning it was locked by the automatics:

As you can see on the screenshot above, the icon is pretty damn miniscule. It can be barely seen if not looking closely at it. This problem exists just because of the distance to the target, as when after death by a plane, a camera is following it for a second, the marker will still be there, but it would be much more visible:
As you can see, when your camera is way closer to the aircraft, you can actually see the marker clearly.
So, my suggestion is to make this marker bigger and much more visible - maybe by fixing an icon itself, or just making it as a part of the tracking system (like the speed and the distance to the aircraft)

An example of a fixed icon:

So, I don’t really think this will be a bad thing to add, as it’s nothing big - just making a new brighter and larger icon. It isn’t a groundbreaking buff, but a small QOL feature, that will help anyone who uses this mechanic stop squirting their eyes just to see if the plane got locked

Also, many thanks to LucianKale19 for helping with a close-up screenshot!


I never actually noticed that…

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It’s quite simple - those markers dont show up in realistic or simulator battles for some weird reason, yet the mechanics work just great for every gamemode. I actually had a second suggestion in pair with this one, but it was declined. Gonna send another one as soon as i figure out whats wrong


That seems like a good fix they should do, I imagine a nice green “x” in the target square would be pretty good for that kinda thing.

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Yeah! Something like that would be quite fitting too! Overall, the idea was to make the marker more visible, so anything would do :P

does this automatically aim the guns???
i mean right now in the game?

No, just missiles.

wait so you CAN guide two at the same time?

Up to 4

well aint that a blyat moment

and they guide themselfs, you can fire your guns and i think guide the fifth one manually. Target just have to be within track radar range.
Tor can do the same, but for 2 missiles.
Yep, 4 guide themselfs, 5th can be guided manually

hate (not) to say it but bias

Not really, only 4 in the same time. The one you are guiding manually uses one channel too, but yeah.

Well, then 3 missile by themself and one manual it is.

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