Increase ground rp gain or lower research costs after T5 and why

Its insane, the switchup between tier 5 and tier 6 is crazy
I play russia and no, its not only russia where i have this problem, i have it on usa and germany and its frankly why i stop playing after 9.0

- Why everything above tier 5 needs increasing of rp rewards

First of, premium players are babysat because theyre just so much better than actual TT vehicles and they give increased rewards, not to mention theres 10 premiums from 10.3 to 10.7 (theres even more 9.3 - 9.7 its crazy)

The entire 9.0+ system is stupid, the gameplay is insanely switched, almost unplayable for someone new to it
I myself after 200+ hours just in the 9.0+ range I STRUGGLE to get more than 3 kills without being sniped by some random lvl 12 premium cross map because he has a LSR

Okay, now not mostly malding

T6 9.3-9.7

You try your hardest with your stock TT vehicle, even with premium, you manage to get 3 kills and die
You recieve TWO THOUSAND rp for your efforts against fully stocked tanks
If you were to get uptiered youre either destroyed by the point and click 9.3 or obliterated by some 10.3 premium (There was a total of 4 TT vehicles i saw when getting uptiered from 9.3 on my entire journey)

In the end you get 2K rp for your biggest effort with premium in a br that is 90% luck based and up/downtier dependant

T7 10.3-10.7

Same thing as 9.3 yet you constantly face T80UD’s, Turms’, Pzbtl’s, and for the love of christ type 90 fujis which obliterate you, even harder to make rp

Everything into account, you usually make 2-5k rp with GOOD matches on those brs (they arent common AT ALL), for your next vehicle to be 300-350k RP…

My 9 hour researching with premium and a TT vehicle on 10.3 not leaving a single match until it ended (unless i full died)

Also decrease modification rp requirements for SPAA


15K rp needed for 1 tier 2 modification on SPAA is ridiculous, as you atmost see 3 planes/heli’s a match and you dont even get rewarded extra for going out of your way to help your team for a lower amount of rewards as theres not as many planes as tanks in a ground match

No, i dont mean to do this to cope because im getting destroyed by people on that get downtiered on 11.3 to 10.3 constantly destroying my little T72B which is kinda cheeks on 10.3 imo.

Its a known issue between the MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR difficulty in researching from rank 1-5 and rank 6-8