Increase bot numbers and bot intelligence

At certain times (6am-1pm for me) the SA player count is very low. Most games will only have 1-4 other player and a few bots. The games end up being a 5v5 or 6v6 and it isn’t very fun. Is it possible got Gaijin to add more bots so we can have 10v10 or 15v15. These small play count games can be very unfun in the bigger maps. Also would it be possible for the bots to be more intelligent, as they are very easy to fight against and on some maps even drive out of the battle zone.


I mean you could make the bots smarter. If Pathfinding, coding, etc was done. However. As it stands no.

How odd that SA servers are dead, whilst at the same hours, EU is filled to the brim with Asian alphabet usernames.