Improvement of Arty

In my opinion arty how its in game isnt that good, the orange smoke is blocking the field of view esspecially with higher graphics. In my opinion an Improvement for arty would be to remove the orange smoke but on the otherhand introduching 3 new types of arty

  1. HE Arty - like the arty that we already have but without the smoke
  2. Smoke Arty - instead of HE using smokegrenades to cover open fields
  3. is a mix of HE 60% and Smoke 40%
    as a furter improvement would be that you can increase the spreading of your arty if you are on the arty map → so keeping the system that close arty can be more precise than arty placed faar away but you can also increase the spread of the close arty.
    to avoid getting more keebindings that you have to bind seperatly i would recommend to make it possible to cange arty type and spreading only on the arty map so Ammo coise gets blocked while on arty map so you can use 1,2,3 to change arty type and mousewheel to change spreading

I would remove the orange smoke completly… it just gives out when the arty will strike giving the oponent a big sign JUST MOVE A TAD BIT YOULL BE FINE…


I would suggest a more accurate artillery and that causes more external damage, instead of “Hit”, and as some feature only available each 2 minutes, more lethal.

That’s literally the reason they added the initial smoke rounds in the first place


No one likes dying to some random trash falling on your head out of nowhere.

Arty is a trash mechanic with 0 skill involved, it shouldn’t do any kills outside of very specific scenarios.

Only scenario where arty kill is valid is when you lock enemy down in position where he can’t move and drop it on him and then it works regardless of smoke.

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I can do you one better, just remove arty completely…


i dont see the problem of the orange smoke in that it looks bad and gives information about the position of the arty, but me annoys that it blocks your line of sight, i had a few times were the enemy dropped arty on my poisition or i dropped on the enemy and the first smoke shells landed so that i couldnt see the enemy anymore but he could see me due to lower graphics and thats something that annoyes me that the orange smoke shells are stronger against players with higher resoulution then the arty after that

and somehow it signals to all open top vehicles on your team that its a prime parking spot.


Well if you are mobile and dont sit in one spot camping (camping aint skill) arty wont hurt you lol

honestly they need to up the HE filler of arty shells

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Most of the time yes. But there are some cases where you drive forward in a heavy tank and randomly get one shoted by arty out of nowhere. I even had a situation where i died to arty in a CAS plane.

Sure these situations are extremely rare, but just the fact that they even happen is stupid.

I feel no pity for edge of the map snipers getting artied, but these are out of range most of the time anyway so they rarely die to it

Agree with you but having such a big window in the 3 smoke rounds till arty strike is just sad IMO… I use arty as tactical advantage someone is behind a wall i cant peak i drop arty aaand nothing… either he does not get killed or the warning is long enough for him to turn around while still looking at me with turrent towards me and drives away just 20 meters further to safety… then we are still locked arty used no dmg and he just survives still holding the corner -.-

Just remove it at this point. It requires 0 skill and is extremely frustrating to die to, orange smoke blocks your vision, while serving hardly any tactical purpose due to it’s randomness. You can’t rely on it, it’s just click on map and pray for it to hit

I use it quite often if i drive SPAA or something else with not that much pen if i face havys, then destroy their tracks and put arty on them and also against light campers it is pretty good but the smoke annoyes if you pin down the camper but he can escape because of the smoke

I mean would be nice to actuly use arty we have in game lets say like add manual controls of elevation and when you hit the sweetspot you would see a crosshair on minimap (wont be too accurate to be op) would be hard enough to have some skills and you would play like actualy like artilery instead of a TD Somebody did some calculations and you could use smaller charge in the guns to have smaller range still it would be too big for those maps we have but this is a game sooo

So sad we are leaving information gathering for arcade fights

Artillery is stupid as it is, and I’m baffled why in arcade you need to earn it but in realistic you just get it randomly.

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I am really not sure what system i like more, cause in AB you have to earn it but on the otherhand you can have multible arty strikes at once and could let hell rain over one enemy but in RB you get it over time but only one at the time so you cant use arty so effective against an enemy

Should just get one artillery strike, but you have to earn it and don’t passively get one for no reason.

That’s exactly why the smoke was added