Improved Wheel Vehicles Wheel Damage

  • Do you think Wheeled Vehicles wheels should have separate damage to the Tire and Rim?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
  • Do you think this suggestion could have a positive or negative impact on gameplay
  • Yes
  • No
  • Both
0 voters

TL;DR at bottom of suggestion post.

On ground vehicles currently in game there are ways of immobilizing a tracked vehicle that you cannot a wheeled vehicle. So I have a suggestion that could make wheeled vehicles a bit more interesting to play and might make them more survivable and capable of escaping if under attack. This may also help improve wheeled vehicles damage model

For tracked machines there are modules such as the Idle wheel, Sprocket and Tracks than can be destroyed individually and cause a player to be immobilized and have to repair before continuing on into the battlefield
In the case of a wheeled vehicle the Rim/Axle must be disabled in order to immobilize the vehicle and depending on how many wheels are disabled would result in its inability to continue on

Currently a wheeled vehicle can be stopped if you are to shoot its wheel with machineguns or any stray explosion nearby could knock out the wheel. The improvement I suggest is that the Tire and Rim are modeled as two components. In this case the rim alone would need to be struck to cause the wheel to stop moving. Any hits to the tire would destroy the tire and cause the vehicle to be slowed down or have a downgrade in traction and maneuverability.

The current wheel damage system after an explosion, same damage detail shared by machinegun and cannon fire:

Idler/Sprocket in game damage example

How tracked vehicles idler/sprocket model look compared to wheeled vehicles:

And finally suggestion example, The Tire and Rim being separated as both model and components:
(this is just an example image, armor shown for reference of image above)

TL;DR It would be nice if wheeled vehicles had separate damages for tire and rim like tanks have separate damage for tracks and idler/sprockets so they behave more realistically and have a better chance of surviving combat. plus it would be another nice addition of detail for the game


Yeah, destroying a tire could make it so that it deflates and it slows you down a bit, while destroying the rim could for example make a wheel be stuck (it stops spinning) which slows you down more, ofc you can only be completely disabled if all wheels are damaged/destroyed but having some wheels broken will affect your speed, acceleration and turning ability




Last thing I even considered among the issues this game has

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Seems my polls are messed up. The questions shouldn’t be selectable answers just yes no and both

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Makes sense to have damage across the board I guess.


I’d be 100% with this as long as it changes how overpressure works in relation to tires. Had a T92 send a HEAT-FS shell straight into a tire of my Type 87 RCV P today that one-shotted me…


I like what they’ve done in relation to this suggestion recently. There was the mad thunder event and wheels could be shot off which also affected the suspension and stability of the vehicle sitting at a level angle with the ground and it’s stayed as an effect of blown-up vehicles which is lovely to see. It even works on tanks too. I hope this doesn’t count toward thread bumping.



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hope this stays in game

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