Implementation of AMD FSR native and nvdia DLAA


I just wanted to ask if there is chance to implemented in game the FSR native and nvidia DLAA cuz native options what we have in game for years are just starting to not be enough in my opinion, i have both rtx 3070 and RX 7900gre both carts are great but i noticed that for some reason the dlss is not implemented good in game i try it fiew time but result was the same im using highest setting with both carts indentical but when i anabled the dlss quality game instantly got blurry as hell cant see nothing past 150 meters sooo also i play game in 1440p native in both cases. The implementation of DLAA and FSR native would be welcome one. Plus i noticed that there is now option even for intel XEss but no where to be found AMD support it its FSR why is that ??


Probably something to do with War Thunder engine being dated and difficulties to implement these technologies because of that.

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No, its because War Thunder is partnered with Nvidia.