Implement map selector when searching for battles

I’d like to see the implementation of a map selector in the game, similar to what exists in counter strike. With the wide variety of maps, and frankly a poor design on many of them, I’d like to be able to pick which maps I play. Of course this will come with longer queue times but I believe this is a fair trade off for a more enjoyable game experience.


Yes, I don’t like these CQC maps, not how you use a tank, specially not in urban areas, this games maps are becoming worse and worse with time, with only a select few maps that are decent.


I agree with this. Tanks are not designed for CQC… we deserve to be able to decide our play style.


Yeah, tanks don’t go into urban areas without infantry support if enemy contact is suspected.


And even when they do, they don’t go in to engage the main enemy tank forces. What we see in-game just isn’t realistic, nor is it fun. Getting CQC maps over and over again is making me want to quit the game.

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It seems the more modern the tank the more likely to get a close quarters map. I seem to get more large maps with WWII tanks.

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Feels like it xD

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