I'm looking for information on the PhiMat ARAL-1A/B countermeasure pod for the Mirage 5F and Mirage F1

Any information on the quantity of chaff and flares would be awesome.

Chaff only, and its already in game on the Jaguars.

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Thanks, I was wondering because I found this article https://www.loneflyer.com/2019/12/07/sistemi-di-guerra-elettronica-francesi/ which said the jaguar and super etendard carried a light version that was only chaff but the standard one has chaff or flares.

I have never heard of the Phimat having any capacity for flares. Nor have I heard of a β€œlight” version. The person who wrote for that site might have been misinformed.

I found another mention of it carrying flares Tout savoir sur le Mirage IV - Vol en Avion de Chasse

Sorry to arrive in the discussion so late but I just made a bug report concerning the absence of the Phymat pod for the Mirage F1

Mirage F1 lack of Pymat pod // Gaijin.net // Issues

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They also have the wrong amount of chaff in game.
Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 15-36-24 Electronic Warfare Study Iraq - 2014-033-doc01.pdf
According to an electronic warfare force study of Iraq by the Defense Intelligence Agency it carries 210 not 216 chaff.

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