i am bad and for whatever reason I decided to put every viecal (except navel of course) into a wheel and I’m gonna spin it till I have played every one is this a bad idea?
i just got an spaa as my first tank im dead I cant shoot down planes for my life
To be honest, these wheel sets are awesome… This is something to run as a basis of a stream, challenge yourself to jam that vehicle out at least once per match.
i got the kill first match but had to use a backup
Hm. I might just put every vehicle I own on a wheel to see if I’m either gonna have a great time, or suffer immensely. Watch as the first one is the M2A2 Stuart or something.
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did it again then got 7.5 k sl
on my 2nd swedish tank thankfuly not spaa this time
on the 1st of 4 jets and my first plane
nvm im crew locked