Ikv 91 br

You don’t balance vehicles by what percentage of CQC maps it gets. It’s okay for this vehicle to be situational for maps that suit it, because when they do… it really does earn its battle rating.

Needs more character, though. Some personality. Like these two:



Good well rounded tanks put me to sleep, these days.

Idk i always thought the OF 40 had some character considering its armor at that BR is very rare, not too many 8.0 have composite.

Yeah, good point. I haven’t actually used the 8.0 OF-40, myself. Will have to have some games in it. Bought the premium OF-40 years ago and kinda skipped over it.

Years ago it was bad, now its honestly unfair, imo it shouldn’t be the same BR as the Leo or IKV, IKV trades armor, ammo versatility, and mobility for a LRF, and the Leo 1 has ammo, versatility and mobility for no LRF. But im biased since moving the OF-40 up would kill the “lineup” if you could call it that lol.

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The Ikv 91 is completely fine where it’s at.

It’s already insanely annoying to face one of them in a tank without LRF, so it shouldn’t go any lower.

It is already good where it currently is. If it should be moved down, then only to 7.7 and no lower.

Eh its annoying when its on a map where it can actually use it. But all i get is close range maps where its a worse Leo 1. Ill take your luck for long range and you can have my luck of only playing Cargo port and Sun city.

Anything with the one-two punch is good enough to be called a line-up in my book ;)



I’d probably go OF-40, R3 T106, PZH 2000 (if I bought it), R3 T20 (for the lols), BTR-80 or M47 (105/55). Vampire (for some troll turn-fighting) or IL-28 (for the small chance you get that 3000kg on target). I mean, it’s not the most super-stacked line-up around those BR, but it certainly works.

INB4 the snail move the (idr the name but i dreaded every second of it, the dumb light tank with the 90mm turret at 7.0) to 8.0

I’m Sweden main, and I’m think is good on his current br

It sounds crazy.
The game already has enough high-explosive and cumulative equipment that can beat up tanks from WW2