Just got Amagi and I’ve already encountered a few problems during gameplay. First is a bug where the #2 turret’s shell room floods randomly when other compartments have flooded. In the screenshot one of my engine rooms have flooded due to an unrepairable breech. Watched the replay and the shell room floods as the engine room does. Although it seems like a visual bug, i didn’t notice any reload problems. Since that engine room was flooded both inboard props were inoperable, but when I would accelerate from a stop the ship would veer to the left suggesting that the 2 port engines were out. This time the info area did indicate that so it seems like another xray bug.
It seems the 120mm guns do have “bug” where their ammo is not the timed fuse ammo thats available for them. Funny how fusos 127mm turrets placed in the secondary group only have timed fuse shells but these AA guns get contact fuses. Too bad the devs dodge that one. Anyways sorry. Wanted to run this by here before I make bug reports.
Edit: Forgot media like a silly goose and i hope this image works.