Along with the 6x6 and + wheels, how about (sorry for going off topic with a non-IFV) the BM-21 Grad for East Germany, two variants possible, the Ural variant, 6x6, and the Tatra variant, 8x8.
Tatra built on the “813” chassis (known as the RM-70):
Buttery smooth suspension on the Tatra 813 could almost essentially be a “stabilizer” for the system, I love Tatra engineering, despite it being average German over-engineering.
Thermals for the gunner driver and commander, 70 ready rack rounds with more in the hull, 170mm of pen a minimum with a proxy anti aor round and possibly ir tracking. Plz gaijin it would be a great 10.0
Why do that when you can just play sweden… it kinda removes the uniqueness of the ifv if you have some shoved in another nation, Why play sweden for the cv90 if you can just get it in Germany without grinding the other cv90s…
Still a good br for the Warrior 2 would be 10.0, Lacks the armour of the Puma along with the Remote turret yet it has a higher penetration, (working proxy rounds lol), its faster, along with being British =D
Plus I think id want this as a camo