I’m sure you guys remember that in previous events we needed 40k8=320k to get a non-tradable coupon or 40k10=400k to get a tradable coupon, and if you had a very good amount of time you could spend 400k*3 to get three tradable coupons with a free premium carrier for a low level.
But now what? You need to spend 45k*8 to get a non-tradable coupon, for a total of 750k to get a tradable coupon, and in the old days 750k would have been almost enough to get two tradable coupons. This means that whether you wish to use the coupon yourself or sell it, you’ll need to spend more time.
Do you guys remember at the very beginning, when they said the reason for making this change was to make it take less time for players to get their coupons? They made this change with a simple goal: to get players to spend 1-3h a day on their games,It seems to me that warthunder players are happy to spend hours a day in the game.
Because even though gaijin made such bad changes, players still logged in to the game. I’m sure even if gaijin raised the score needed for tradable vouchers to 1.2m, there would still be a huge number of players who grind for it.
Your complaints are pointless because as soon as you play the game, you are telling gaijin that you agree with the terrible changes they have made
Yeah, I thought about calling this out as well. Before you just grind some extra stages to get a tradable coupon but now it’s grind an obscene amount of mission score by the time of the event’s last day. I first took notice of this in the Churchill AVRE event where the score needed to sell the vehicle in the marketplace is more than twice the amount you needed to get the vehicle; and each half a stage took me like 3-4 hours daily.
You must spend a lot of time playing every day lol XD
you have 337 games played last week. 337/7=~48 games per day.
lets say 8h sleep, 8h for work, 1h travel to and from work, 2h for meals and meal prep (rounding up a bit to make math easier). That leaves 6h per day to do like, household chores, shopping, etc. but lets say you do none of that extra stuff.
So 6h per day, 48 games. 8 games per hour. one game every 7.5 minutes. sounds doable, BUT that means you would do nothing else but eat, sleep, work, play games. XD
I’m actually curious how you manage? vacation time? living at home and no school during summer? because then it seems WAY more doable.
Trolling aside, I do work from home and queue up games while rendering projects.
That aside though and on the serious note - it is a score based system with some very nice multipliers on it. For the more “skilled” player it should not be an issue or that difficult. Yes, it does look like a climb up Mnt Everest but no, if you can half pay attention to it and still get the coupon while not being a “good” (distracted) player it is possible.
I’ve had the tradable coupon since the 3rd mark of distinction. I can make one mark of distinction in just under two hours. There is more than air RB and AB to play for the mark of distinction that will get you the points faster.
Yup, lot of them are happy because they think than in game achievements are some kind of real life reward
Also botters are happy and i would say gaijin since they get 15% of market sales
Personally, i dont mind it because i grind the event to get the vehicle. This is also why i like the new events because the old ones only let you get 2/4 vehicles. Now, each event is one vehicle so i dont have to worry about missing vehicles.
Sure, i see your point. but realistically, if you look at the average score per Air RB match and then realize how many matches the average player has to do per day to get the coupon in that time then it very fast becomes unobtainable for anyone with a job (let alone a family) that isn’t highly skilled.
will add math here shortly.
Over the past month i have an average placement of 56% (meaning a small amount above average player) and an average score of 874 per game in Air RB (874x1.2=~1049 with multiplier at top tier and 1469 at top tier RB).
750k score divided by 18 days is ~41667 score per day meaning 41667/1469=~28.4 games per day (lets say 28). at 7 min per game (my average the past 10 or so games) that comes out to 3 hours and 16 minutes PER DAY on average for a very average player every day for 18 days straight, if you miss a day that means you have to play 6 hours and 32 min of active game time to catch up the day after.
that is absolutely bonkers times for anyone with a fulltime job and/or a family.
Edit 2:
Wait… i forgot the x1.4 for realistic… have to redo math.
changed to correct numbers.
I personally do not struggle getting the tradable coupons but I still think 750k is a lot.
41k Score a Day (or 83k every 2 days) is not difficult for me. That works out to on average 2-3 hours a day of playing (In Air RB, I don’t play Air Sim) which I personally can do with some breaks and while listening to a whole lot of music.
Before and after an event I am going to grind out I take a long break from the game that way I am not “tired out”. This 100% helps me be able to play the time needed.
I very much understand how this can be difficult for others and I strongly believe this should be change so that more people have the option to get these vehicles and sell them if they dont want them.
how do you manage that score in 2-3 hours?
your average score past month is 908 (so 1090 at top tier modifier 1526 with both top tier and RB) and that makes 41667/1526=~27 games per day. 150 min / 27 = ~ 5 min 35 seconds per game average. how fast are your games?? XD
Wait… i forgot the x1.4 for realistic… have to redo math.
Changed now, still quite a low average match timer.
Honestly idk. I have a habbit of looking at when I start and when I end and (Apart from Set-2 to Set-3 which took much longer) and it is normally 2-3 hours now I could be off by a bit but I am 90% sure it is below the 4 hour mark.
I have a lot of quick games, a lot of 5-6min games where I get some decent score. Wish I had something better to provide you but the past fair few games I have been stock grinding a jet so the games have not been as good. What works for me is the F-4S lmfao, partially because I use this time to research a ton of stuff and also because using the F-4S means I get ALOT of games against other F-4 players and Tornado players which are free kills. Also I intentionally play for quick games meaning I just rush in, shoot off my sparrows and bag maybe 2-4 kills sometimes even more then I die and move straight onto the next because I have learnt sitting around being smart leads to some lengthy games sometimes and is not worth the extra score you might get.
Also have to factor in. Some days I have played more games than others (like Set 2 and Set 3) and by a considerable amount because all my games were low score pretty much so that would draw my monthly score down. Then other days I might have played less games per day that might have been longer games and etc. The stats you have could have a lot of variables but I still see what you are trying to get at for the most part.
Events, and especially winter one, were the worst while i was still at uni, because my exams and other stuff just magically synchronized with most of them and it was either finishing uni or getting the vehicle. Kinda bummer.
Especially last one with the vilkas/mirage and my masters state exam being like two weeks after.
I tried the mission point thing for a tradeable coupon once. I was really dissapointed. I skipped any event after that which had a tradeable couple with a mission score requirement. Found it to be an epic waste of time for the money you get. By the time you get it people with lots of Gaijin who never had to play a single minute buys up mass quantities and squeezes you out to sell super cheap or wait a few years. I play any event that has a distinction requirement for tradeable coupon however.