i think he meant OG as in OG in warthunder.
i meant OG as in IRL.
either way, MKI is not the OG
i think he meant OG as in OG in warthunder.
i meant OG as in IRL.
either way, MKI is not the OG
MKI is the OG for the upgraded SM-like variants.
im pretty sure MKI and SM only have TVC in common
Are the EF2K and Gripen (with Derbys, mind you) not enough for you??
They did demand the Rafale in the last updates devserver forum as well lmao
I wish Gaijin didn’t add India as a subtree for Britain…
They also share the same gun, engine, radar, airframe and armament unless Gaijin introduces the I-Derby-ER and/or Indias domestic weapons
As i know india also doesnt have R-77-1
So, if add rn it can be even worser(and still perform fine tbh)
i meant as in similarities with each other that the older models did not have
The Super Sukhoi would be a seperate, later variant of the Su-30MKI for ingame purposes.
As it stands a Su-30MKI would be a Su-30SM with just R-77s instead of R-77-1s and maybe a Litening Pod instead of the T220 pod (or whatever pod they used instead of the T220 before they got the Litening).
well, demanding stuff is how the indian OSA got added so if it works it works, and as i remember it wasnt as tedious as it is this time
There is quite the amount of opposition to these demands as well, rightfully so in my honest opinion.
A lot of us do not want to see planes like this in the British tree and I hope that Gaijin doesn’t listen to these demands this time.
Luckily they didn’t budge when you guys asked for the Indian Rafale, so chances are they won’t budge this time either.
quite sad honestly, britain toptier is pretty boring with the only capable planes being the eft and gripen, sure the rafale was a bit of a stretch, as this one might also be. but im hoping (coping) for some more playable planes to come. (even though we have it better than most)
If you don’t like the Tornados, Harriers, Typhoons and the plethora of older stuff in the British tree, then why are you even playing Britain?
If you want to use Sukhois and MiGs the USSR tree is what you should be playing.
i absolutely love the british tree and its vehicles.
i just want something that isnt useless after the merge at toptier, after playing alot of games in the tornado and harrier, its extreme saddening for someone to completely eliminate your only advantage by simply existing and pressing 1 button and sure there are players that still die to them but its just not fun being completely countered by someone multipathing and flaring.
My experiences in it are you have to kill them before the merge. since you cant turn, fighting is out of the question so running is the only option and it mostly means certain eventual death
If you want to use Sukhois and MiGs the USSR tree is what you should be playing.
i’d love to play them, if grinding didnt either take soo long or cost an arm and a leg
(im silently waiting for the next half off sales to change nations)
and all these problems are x2 in sim
are u kidding? the ef has the best fm in wt right now, the su30mki would also be 14.0, you arent asking for 13.0/12.0/11.0 planes, you are asking for another top tier plane, and the british tt doesnt need that yet
I feel like that you might have more fun just not playing top tier and rather joining the rest of us at 12.0 or lower.
This is not meant as an insult btw, top tier is just a drag no matter which plane you fly unless you are really into Fox-3 gameplay and BVR LARPing.
Well, dunno what to tell you, but that’s just how the game works. You either have to pay to make the grind shorter or play through the tree (and maybe find some lower tier planes that you also enjoy using).
And the fix to these problems in sim is to add planes that mess with IFF, RWR and visual identification?
in my previous reply i stated that the eft and gripen are exempt from my skill issue rant
Su-30MKI to an Israeli export subtree. Su-30MKM for Russia
I feel like that you might have more fun just not playing top tier and rather joining the rest of us at 12.0 or lower.
12.0 is my comfort br.
The tornado F3 is literally my favorite with the fgr2, its pretty calming gameplay around that br, things just get boring after a while thats it.
And the fix to these problems in sim is to add planes that mess with IFF, RWR and visual identification?
toptier radars are very good. all it takes to iff a target is at most 5 seconds of scanning them, IFF is definately a problem at lower tiers, but not at toptier, unless the pilot decides himself that he wont use his radar
To Israel you can add Su-35 form iran. But thats in future.
India is a sub TT of Britain already