TO ALL THE GUYS OUT THERE SAYING ooh it is a russian jet… It is produced by india and upgraded by india, was tested earlier in india… Entered service much earlier in india than ussr… is indigenously upgraded and modified in india with different indian systems israeli radar indian and french missiles… Does the russian variant have this??? So fucking stop calling it russian…
WE HAVE so many other aircraft in game that have been just copy paste and have been given to nations bcoz they purchased the variant… The finnish getting a copy of f18 all the nations getting f16 is an example of copy paste…
SU 30 MKI is unique aircraft for any of the dumb brain dead bastards saying ooh britain should not get everything
Debate for people who have a weird dislike of only India being in the Tree, fine when it comes to other countries which use US or French gear though interestingly…
And it isnt about disagreeing not being a valid argument, I put down a valid argument as to why its arguably an Indian vehicle which is a valid vehicle for the UK, to be met by a “well you are delussional and it doesnt belong here” type rebuttal, no actual argument.
Okay, so tech tree orginality, and accuracy…
First the tech tree originality argument, do you heavily oppose the centurions in non UK trees? The shermans in non US trees? The M48s and 60s all over the place too? The Hunters, Vampires and Meteors outside of the RAF? The new F/A 18s going to non US trees? The leopard 1s and 2s around everywhere? This argument seems to only really come up, again, for India these days.
Historical accuracy, the planes literal design was in conjunction with the Indian government and IIRC HAL(?). They heavily modified the requirements and development of the project, improving it drastically and then went on to build like 95% of the planes at home. Its hard to get a more Indianisation project and put it on the table lol. I mean hell, at this rate if it ever comes, F35 shouldnt go to anyone but the US, given they make most of it and only tiny parts are non US (like the UK making helmets lol)?
i dont care about that. its a russian jet in service with india. if anything, it shouldve been a subtree of russia. but they dont need one. i know it is officially a british subtree. doesnt mean i cant disagree with that.
india should have been an independent tree. why have the best russian, best swedish AND the Eurofighter in the same tree?
you know as well as i do that i didnt say the first part of this sentence
it doesnt belong here because of a combination of all the above arguments as well as the following
if they are captured vehicles, i oppose them. if they are purchased and put into service, i dont.
licensed production
we cannot ignore that the UK doesnt and will never need to get the new best jet of the russians.
sometimes there is a need. other times theres a want.
UK doesnt need the best russian jet there is in WT. not now. not ever
“if they are purchased and in service I dont oppose them”
“su 30mki is a licensed production”
My dude…
UK doesnt need it, but for those like myself who like to play full sub tree lineups, its a nice addition to have, esp as the mainstay iconic jet fighter of the last couple decades for India.
Trust me i like subtree lineups too. Although you could argue my case is different because east and west germany are still, germany.
But introducing such blatant steals when you dont need it… it ruins the experience.
If gaijin was to introduce a mode where you wouldnt face the same vehicle as an enemy. Maybe ill be fine with it.
I’ll accept my loss, still doesn’t mean you’ll get the Su-30MKI though, just like how Thailand didn’t give the F-16 MLU, F-5TH (1/2), the ADF, Other MLU/OCU, etc.). Or how Finland didn’t give other Mig-21 variants and probably more in the Ground TT. Furthermore, Britain doesn’t need the Su-30MKI, just like how it doesn’t need the Rafale. To put 3 of the best aircraft into one tree is dumb. The UK would be so insanely strong w/ EF, Rafale, Potential CF-18/F/A-18E/F, Mirage and Su-30MKI. Britain is in an amazing place w/ the Eurofighter alone. These massive nations that’re in a solid state don’t need other nation’s aircraft to be relevant.