If kh38 doesn't affect balance, then what else does?

Brimstone i guess that why gaijin only left it with just laser when it can guide by both radar and laser
Yeah yeah other When Russians have it fine other have it OP thing all over again

Not all anti-aircraft vehicles have smoke bombs

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That’s the truth
Gaijin escalated the problem

it’s just a Pantsir problem, SU-25SM3 isn’t a F-16C equal, but it’s staying at same br, it should be SU-34.
Though SU-34 should come after others gets better SPAA equal to Pantsir.
speaking about Brimstone, it should be one of the best agm to fight with Pantsir. IOG+Laser allows it to be fired even out the Pantsir’s range, and Western all-aspect pod allows the carrier to guide it while keep distance.


Likewise, AGM65 is not the equivalent of KH38
The equivalent of kh38 should be agm154


so, you have totally no idea of what’s these things are, and just throwing rants with a dozen of threads.
There are KH-38 equals



but a glide bomb/missile is never a KH-38 equal, it’s not same thing.

Great missile on a bad platform vs a good missile on a great platform.

Kh-38 and Hammer are more powerful than other AGMs in a direct comparison.
It has the same lock-on range as AGM-65D/G, and is about the same as AGM-65G against ground targets.
Now, KH-38 has a longer range when locked onto the GROUND, though this doesn’t matter in ground modes at this time, and there’s no SPAA system at or above the range of 20km.

But yes, KH-38 on-paper is more powerful than AGM-65D/G.
In practice they do the same thing of being fired beyond the range of SPAA.

Soviets now have CAS equivalent to F-16C.

Unless KH-38 suddenly gets a TARGET lock-on range beyond its current 20km, AND SPAA vastly superior to Pantsir is added to the game, KH-38 and AGM-65 will both be OP in ground modes.

March 2025:
Edited out dated information, removed mentions of GBUs due to Pantsir buff the month of this post I wasn’t aware of at the time.


SU-34 is coming
KH-38’s speed is an advantage, but most people just focus on the useless range.

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Su-34 doesn’t have a thermal targeting pod, and KH-38s will still be 20km… but without a targeting pod the launch range from Su-34 will be less than that of Su-25SM3 cause target acquisition is important.

While I can lock and launch consistently at 18km using Harrier GR7, I cannot do that using F-4F ICE… cause the missile’s integral thermal solution is not good enough.
Same thing will happen with Su-34.
Su-30? or Su-33? get a thermal targeting pod.

usually, it’s 12km if use track mode, 20km will be a point mode, not so useful, and you can still use KH-38’s thermal, it’s good enough. and KH-38 do have speed advantage, so it will make SU-34 a good F-16C equal.
except no external all-aspect pod will make KH-38ML useless, because you need to fly towards SPAA to keep lock. But if so, it will be too OP because it can really attack in 20km away.

Speed of a 9000 meter altitude AGM launch does not really matter.
If the target died before the missile arrived… the targets still gone.
Also no aircraft can attack from further than 20km away currently as 20km is the max range of all targeting systems at this time.

I mean 20km max, not over. and speed do matter, it affects time left for SPAA to shoot it down, and if the target move to something’s back and lost lock.

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I’m sorry,but this is not the case

People are comparing the Kh-38 to the Brimstones,when in reality the Brimstones are far superior even without their LOAL mode. The Kh-38 we have in game sure has a lot of range,but you need to constantly lase the target in order to get a hit,and this can expose yourself to weaknesses like a SPAA that is outside your FoV or a CAP jet approaching onto you.

Real-life Brimstones,on the other hand,are the literal definition of “random bulls*** go!” :you mass spam them into the general direction and they pick up different targets while also discriminating the enemies from the allies. If a Brimstone locks you,you better have a building near you to take cover or chaff smoke/EW jammers because otherwise you’re dead in one hit.
Imagine playing like usual,dying outta nowhere due to a Brimstone and seeing in the killcam a GR.4 approaching the airfield,that is honestly annoying

And before anyone starts with the “they’re adding the Grom to the Russians” the Grom is a Kh-38 that has a GLONASS seeker instead of a laser one, meaning that the simple counter to it is moving 50-80 metres away. It’s a glorified JDAM, that’s it


AGM65 can only lock onto a moving target within 10 km, and KH38 is obviously different. If 154 can’t match KH38, how can AGM65D match KH38?

In fact, you are the one who doesn’t understand. AGM84 is only an anti-ship missile, and AGM84E is an air-to-surface missile. In fact, AGM84E just thought that his man-in-the-loop mechanism was denied.

The United States should always have the strongest CAS options present ingame.

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Haha, what if we use agm65 to fight 95ya6 and kh38 to fight 146?

My post never commented on AGM-84 class of missiles, so it seems your post replied to the incorrect post.

95ya6 can easily intercept agm65, but 146 is much more difficult to intercept kh38