Idea's for new US tank BR (Reworked)

why m60a2 same br as sheridan?

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The A2 is on a slower chassis and the laser range finder only really helps if the target is close/ not moving. The M551 uses the same launcher but is able to get side on. Additionally both BRs were lowered technically in comparison

6th line it’s SAM ?

But M1, M1A1, M1IP, M1A1 HC, 120S and M1A2 it’s too battle rating

I’m looking forward too USA aircraft all line (rank I ~ X or IV ~ IX)

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It’s more as a place holder I was thinking of possible sub trees but idk if that would be good.

I’m not sure what that means.

With all that decompression there is no need for 3 abrams to share the same br

Well in the scheme of your decompression you moved the M247 from 9.0 to 9.7, and the XM246 should in theory be better if it gets proximity, so I figured 10.0 would only make sense.

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I’m looking forward to USA aircraft discussion (rank I ~ X or IV ~ IX) and all lines

Not mobile surface-to-air missile ?

Not change battle rating

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I’m working on some balancing things, but thanks i’ll work on fixing that!

Its 30mm XM813, it can be found on army recognition

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Thank you! 🙏

Thank you for the people who suggested new things!
Im working on adding new SPAA rn.

There is a suggestion for this stryker, its good and detailed, i hope it will help

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Thank you i’m going to be adding details to all the new stuff and things im changing so this helps out a lot.

RN im adding extra information about some of the newer tanks please add threads or websites if you have any to help!

Do you have any threads like this for the MIM-46, MIM-HAWK and MIM-104

There is one for the MIM-46
MIM-46 Mauler - Suggestions / Ground - War Thunder — official forum
The MIM-23 Hawk and MIM-104 Patriot can’t function without its separate radar piece, hence why people are likely waiting until Gaijin allows for multi-system SAMs to suggest them.

If you weren’t aware, all suggestions for U.S. ground vehicles can be found here:
List of Previously Suggested Ideas - USA Ground Forces - Suggestions / Ground - War Thunder — official forum

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Thank you I wasn’t aware of that, this is going to make my life a lot easier.

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No problem, and for good measure here are the suggestions from the old forum as well:
List of Previously Suggested Ideas - US Ground Forces (Please Check Before Creating A New Suggestion!) - USA - War Thunder - Official Forum

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Ill defiantly check there too. When im done C&P all the info and giving credit I’m going to link a model of the TT in here so everyone can click on things to learn about them and have a reason for the BR

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