Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

Maybe it is because there is an „issue”?


And why You think So?

I actually said it quite clear in the first instance.

If there would be No problem then No one would create topics about it


Half of those who saw mine wanted a CAS free option to the standard GRB ,what that says about the entire player base I cannot say.What I can say is that as a newer player I nearly quit WT because of CAS even though I enjoy flying now. I do not avoccate removing or nerfing CAS but simply making a No CAS GRB mode to run along side the existing one ,for all of us flyers and CAS haters alike.


The issue is the base of the poll you have got. There’s a LOT of disgruntled and upset players here trying to get things changed to suit them, but those who aren’t having trouble, aren’t bothering with this…

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The content and non-affected have no desire to find an outlet for thier upset nature, so they don’t hang out on the forums here… All that turns up here is a mass of players who constantly post about CAS and thier issues, and DEMAND that Gaijin fix it without query or opposition, because if we oppose it we get goaded and trolled out until we have our posts hidden.

Pretty clear really.

I would probably play both according to mood and BP challeges

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If anything, the other mode is GAB.

Everyone wants to play GRB because of how it is, but they can’t handle what goes with it.

GRB comes in for massive criticism because of CAS not just here but steam and reddit.One can only imagine how many playets WT might steal from WoT .Run it for a month see what happens.

If Air-only mode can exist, Ground one should as well, simple as.

Dude, people get upset at WHATEVER KILLS THEM…

They look for reinforcement that it’s not them, and ignore any points made about how they can counter them because it would mean that it’s them that is at fault.

Dude…what the hell difference does it make to you if a few hundred players go and play No CAS GRB,Arcade or Naval ?

What’s the possible player count in your wanted matches got to do with the opposition to your suggestion?

Answer the question

The question is off-topic, just saying…

It’s a forum, where we can engage, and if you can’t handle the opposition, then the forums really aren’t for you…

(Community flagging should be removed… It’s a scourge on this forum and actually makes any discussion rendered useless due to its abuse…)

And this is the reason that the forums have become a joke…

Oppose someones suggestion, get your posts flagged and removed, get mocked and ignored for doing so, and yet ‘there’s so much support’ because we keep posting the same topics day in day out, about how BAD the ‘issue’ is, even when told how to work with it…

Too bad there’s no good youtubers that tell people to harden up, because they won’t last as long as those who keep pandering to the crippled masses who can’t handle the game as it is…

You know that posts are being made not by the same users but new ones all the time?


Nonsense… You’re in wishies thread now, and he’s posted a few…