I’ve worked pretty hard on this. I really think we need some higher BR decompression and I added some cool new vehicles on the way. Ill be making one of these for the Big 3 as well as a updated Air GRB BR with new weapons. I’ll also be updating this once I get more information about possible theater defense (So please suggest for them and any edits/additions)
Here is the link with some extra details on some tanks.
Disclaimer these are my views/ideas and different people have different views/ideas. :)
Least incorrect BR spreadsheet I’ve come across.
IPM1 being below M1A1 is incorrect as they’re equals.
Then the 9.0 stuff doesn’t go up by enough.
Cause you have 1.7 at the top end, but 9.3 isn’t compressed in War Thunder ground so 8.7 - 12.0 would all go up by the same amount.
Ultimately you wouldn’t see major decompression in ground until 5.7, then it’s decompression at 3.3 and 2.7 after that.
Outside that critique, this is a better suggestion than everyone else.
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Thanks, i’ll look into that. I thought with this the IPM1 with the 105 would be a little lower.
The main goal was to separate mod 1 from mod 2 tanks. I’m working on the lower BRs rn but the 9.0s are not fully correct rn
9.3 is already separated from 10.7 tanks, so there’s no more separation needed IMO, any more separation would make the game ultimately boring at that BR.
Though you could look at 8.3 and see if there are any overtly different tanks there that need separating, but there aren’t any decent 8.3 lineups for 7 of the tech trees, so I doubt you’ll find any.
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Yeah i’ll look into that. I enjoy the US 8.3 and that’s pretty much the only 8.3 lineup.
The reasons for the separation is becuase when I add theater defense sights and more advance ground munitions I want the BRs to be more spaced. I’ll also be adding a lot more tanks in the future.
Also do you know or have anyone I could reach out to? Maybe someone who is trying to do the same thing as me. I was thinking of @quartas121 because maybe he can help suggest some things.
What do you want me to suggest lol? I don’t play much ground
Oh sorry, I thought you did my fault
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Yeah I like some ground vehicles but I just like planes more
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Ahh ok, i’m making a plane one rn. Idk when i’ll post it im waiting for people to help me find ordinate charts at the moment.
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