I would pay twice the price for Premium if there would be no down and up tier

There should be an option, where you can choose to play only one your BR.

Im willing to pay for that.

Thank you.


I swear the god i was thinking about that after the latest update, i totally agree haha!

That would be too much of an advantage to pay for, and it would make getting into a match impossible at any Br other than super popular ones.

Premium accounts should not get anything like that.

We need decompression, not bad mechanics.


“I’d pay to win.” Of course you would…

There are few premiums at compressed BRs to begin with.


The most you should pay for is in time. Wait time.

Forcing you to club and be clubbed is the epitome of poor game design.

Why pay to win? I just want to play on the BR im currently on, no DOWN or UP tier.