I was muted in game

My replays can be easily found by my account name in official website.But I got no times to find what I had said in a over 1.5h game replay and I had only in that game for less than 5min.

AND I think you confounding this thing on perpose.

No matter what caused me to think every one is doing PVE things in that game ( In fact the reason is no one get killing score). “PVP players on other side” is by no means meaning " insist on / force a PVE gameplay".

Am I Clear or Can you understand?

So what do you think?
If “PVP players on other side” is a meaning of “insist on / force a PVE gameplay”?

It gets tricky once you tell the other team which members of your team (you suspect) are PVP players, and asking other PVE players on the other team if there are PVP players there as well.

Such arrangements go against fair play, imply PVE is the accepted “way” (of a match), and discourages the PVP players (or even motivates them to leave the match).

Also, what we observe often is that once the PVE-advocates realize there are players who do PVP (as intended), they leave themselves to start somewhere else, resulting in mostly empty matches. Repeat that again and again, and it painfully waters down Sim EC. After all, who wants to play a game where everybody jumps off as soon as you are achieving something there? How much fun is it to join a macth, kill a player, then half the team picks up and leaves?

So the PVE-enforcers try to “dictate” how the game is supposed to be played, how the matches are set up, and have no qualms at all to let other players not have their fun.

Accurally the information of “they got PVP player” is not needed if a player decide to quite.Cause it can easily seen on score board.
And, is there any case that the game design it self got some thing wrong?
When the game environment makes players prefer PVE gameplay rather than PVP game play.It’s doesn’t help by mute someone in game who says"there’s PVP player on other side".
3x point makes it able for rookies who didn’t play plane well to get F-14. and makes old birds easy to get that.In this case not much players want to do the high-risk-normal-reward PVP gameplay. but prefer a stable PVE game play.
maybe the 3x cut to like 1.4x as realistic mode (of course in this way may got much more dislike in steam) will help.
or maybe killing one vihicle rewards you 1200 points(which 2 times from now,and you may got lots of likes in steam) will help.
Both way, is better than roaring at players “NO PVE.GO TO KILL SOMEONE”

…which is not that common, in my personal experience.

On the other hand, players getting offensive because someone isn’t following some arbitrary call for PVE and is actually killing the enemy, THAT one one sees more often.

How? There’s nothing wrong with bombing targets, evading enemy opposition, and trying to survive. What’s wrong is players feeling entitled to enforce this gameplay onto others, becoming verbally abusive, harrassing those players, or even call them out to the enemy team with position/vehicle/equipment. In a Sim environment. How is that acceptable in the sense of Fair Play?.

which is not that common, in my personal experience.

maybe try to go to asia server. It’s very common. especally in stalingrad/ tunisia map.
Maybe culture issue?

How? There’s nothing wrong with bombing targets, evading enemy opposition, and trying to survive. What’s wrong is players feeling entitled to enforce this gameplay onto others, becoming verbally abusive, harrassing those players, or even call them out to the enemy team with position/vehicle/equipment. In a Sim environment. How is that acceptable in the sense of Fair Play?.

Agree for what you say.
But, first I never “enforce this gameplay onto others, becoming verbally abusive, harrassing those players, or even call them out to the enemy team with position/vehicle/equipment” just saying “there’s PVP Player other side” and beem muted.
second, what I do think something was wrong is “PVE game play got more efficiency-cost ratio than PVP gameplay”.If designer encourage players do PVP gameplay, maybe let PVP game play got more efficiency-cost ratio is more reasonable

Or we can think about this problem with game theory:
Suppose there are 16 people on each side of each game, if everyone is playing PVE mode, then 32 people can get F-14 by playing for about 1 hour every two days.
But if there are 4 people on each side doing PVP hunting, then only 8 people can get F-14 by playing for about 40 minutes. The remaining players can only get F-4 after 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours or even longer, or never get it.
This will definitely lead to the confrontation between 8 payers and 24 players.
Of course, during the common period, there are not many rookies who cannot get stable kills pouring into the simulator mode. But now it is an F-14 period, and a large number of simulator mode players are not able to play get kills in game.
And the reason why these players want to play the simulator mode is that you need longer time to get F-14 in other modes. Personally, even if I kill 2 players every 5 minutes in the reallistic mode (about 1000 points, 1680 points after bonus), it takes about 2.5 hours to complete the goal of 450,000 points.(Not to mention 7500000 points)
This is one of the reasons why I think the game design is not reasonable.

«PvE» players needs to be hunted down and targeted during SIM matches

Aw. (yes)
Still would be nice to see AI/bot targets removed to force PvP…

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