I think there might be a issue with how planes behave at Higher Altitudes

And people really need to stop defending how some Aircraft are better at roles they never were designed for, While others are total Shit at exactly what they were designed for.

Not that long ago, but I mostly play Sim not RB and so is a very different envrionment and playstyle and you are able to better play it to its strengths, that being said. Its woefully underpowered nonetheless and sits even higher in SB than it does in RB.

I think its large wings aford it the ability to sustain to damage to them and yet fly, and its engines are housed quite deeply in the airframe, meaning hits to the rear can be survived. But the large tail is an easy target and it becomes a brick the moment any of the control veins are hit. So in some areas its quite resistant and in others its not.

The Javelin was designed for high altitude bomber interception. In SB where that gameplay exists, it does well enough, when there are bombers to hunt.

But in RB, where no such gameplay really exists its pretty poor. The Javelin should be able to hold its own at higher altitude but is so over BRed and so often sees uptiers, that that is rarely the case, especially since its nerfs in Firebird.


Yeah, though I’m talking more “I should’ve won because my plane is designed for high altitudes” without any consideration of mistakes made or other factors.

It is a shame the javelin is screwed over by BR compression though, it’s a neat plane.

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Yeah, in fairness to OP, he is half right. It should be able to hold its own reasonably well at high alt where it’s ABs work Vs non-AB aircraft that should favour low alts. But that is rarely the case.

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Meanwhile, i got dragged to the deck by a F3H in a Turnfight, and managed to outright OUT TURN him at less than 2000m. Where i should have been at a HUGE disadvantage to that thing.

And i had all 4 missiles on board making me even less agile.

It was likely the advantage of the large wing in a slower speed engagement.

firestreaks are just shit. i tried them couple times in sea vixen and will use them never again. 15G’s my ass. mach 3.4 my ass.

cant even kill a slow damaged sabre

Only place Javelin shines is Sim thats about it just because it gets radar and missiles where most other planes dont.

Tbh a lot of bad RB planes that struggle like say Lightning, F-84s, Voutours etc etc. shine in Sim.
Its as if Enduring Confrontation should be “The mode” for the game.

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The Mig-15 runs circles around the F-5C in a dogfight.

the mig is like a third of the javelins weight.

also going into space to waste time is a coward move, especially when the javelin is a flying brick in thin air