I think new nuclear bomb planes are needed

AN-52: up to 25kt
RDS-4: up to 30kt
Mk 7: up to 61kt
Mk 6: up to 160kt
B61-7: up to 360kt

How is this 1/10th the power of current weapons? Not that it even matters, a nuke is a nuke and will end the round all the same!

The B61 block 7 isn’t currently capable of use on the F-16 or F-15, only the block 2/3/4/12.

A nuke is a nuke and requires realism in its integration. Those that I’ve listed are comparable to that of an 8U69.

Alright then
B61-2: up to 150kt
B61-3: up to 170kt
B61-4: up to 50kt
B61-12: up to 50kt

what we really need is the Nuclear bombers like the Avro Vulcan, B52 and TU160

The problem is those aircraft have one of two possibilities:
Slow lumbering boat not much better than the B-29, no use in the game
Give them cruise missiles and then what’s the point of spawning a nuclear aircraft at all? Might as well just call in an ICBM or just have a generic instant win button!

on hight rank is common use tactical bombs. The nuke are good ONLY in Air Battle i agree