Always makes me laugh when people hate certain vehicles in uptiers and they either want the aircraft they hate to move up or the aircraft they are playing to move down, but without thinking about either the aircraft they face when they get a downtier or the aircraft the aircraft they dislike is like in a full uptier. :D
On my awful Tornadophile side’s speaking, I want to get my Tornado F.3 Late to go down to 13.0 and face less chance to see F-15E, Rafale, or Eurofighters.
F-4F ICE goes down, Kfir C.10 comes out too, so why not?
But, On the other hand, I know that it is not possible, because Mirage F1C with terrible ‘Mirage Detecteur’ RWR can’t stand any chance against Tornado F.3 Late fires AIM-120, and will ruin their gameplay experience even worse in a compressing way.
If Tornado F.3 Late goes down to 13.0, then F-14B should be 12.7(worse IR and ARH), then F-14A should be 12.3… and vice versa.
Sooo… I await even more decompression. Which will make F-14A get liberated from F-15C, just like F-104S did against F-14A before, and less chance of being fully uptier while riding tornados too.
or in the Tornado F3 Lates case. Buffs like Phimat and proper BOL
Why not? Both of those planes are easily capable of handling an F-14A and are in the same era as it. And that would be in a full uptier.
We do need decompressing, but saying using the F-14 is exploiting is wild. Clearly, you have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m less inclined to even say you’re serious. With the bad grammar, baseless claims, and pure copium, it’s amazing people support your cause at all.
MiG-27? easily capable of handling an F-14A??
Really pal?
MiG-27 isn’t MiG-23. but heavier attacker variant with no radar (ofc no R-23/24) but only having four R-60M.
MiG-27, F-104S, Su-24M might not have any chance against F-14A.
of course, they might evade AIM-54 even with awful RWR. if it is controlled by a skilful pilot.
Still, They still can’t have a chance against AIM-7F which will fly into them as second wave.
F-4E might have some chance if F-14A’s pilot is dumb enough to see RWR and not use any chaffs for removing the radar lock.
We don’t need to talk that F-14A have better dogfighting capability than those downtier 3rd-gen junks. right?
Yes. We need Decompressing.
I don’t think so if you want to buff them back into 12.3.
I would agree with your idea if you are talking about decompressing.
(Maybe sending F-14A IRIAF into 13.0, while F-4F ICE goes 13.3 and vice versa while keeping normal F-14A into 12.7 can be an example.)
Back in old times, F-14A were one helluva nasty sob.
I can evade AIM-54 flying right into my plane. still, it won’t change no-friggin-things that I will suffer.
Half of the teams will gone by AIM-54 shower anyway, I needed to dealt with those F-4S while F-14A goes back to the airfield and resupply.
If I manage to survive against the wave of F-4S, then F-14 will come back to finish me while my plane is on bingo fuel and out of ammo.
As a joke, Getting killed by Phoenix on purpose and leaving the match early might be a mercy kill. It will suffer shorter than resisting fate.
What was my problem in that period? not being USA Main and one of Tomcatphiles but playing non-US?
Tomcat was obviously exploiting the laziness of Gaijin who are decompressing BR rarely and keeping shit-tons of compression.
Selling premium planes stupidly made that problem even worse.
A complete lack of self awareness too I see.
“Slightly outdated RWR” is the understatement of the year. It has the F-4J RWR while being 2 BR steps higher.
The Aim-54A is horrendously nerfed as of late, it should have the Aim-9L, and 60CM pops is not enough.
Nobody is rallying to “revert decompression” it’s called balancing the game.
I don’t even know what you’re trying to say in the second bulletpoint. Makes no sense
Maybe don’t try to compare 2 separate problems.
Good thing I’m acknowledging I play both sides of the engagement and in no way what I’m saying is that I hate a certain vehicle.
It’s not hypocrisy in the slightest. They’re two separate discussions. How do you not see that lol.
Was one step higher.
Became two steps higher on Oct 2024.
Even though the fact that AN/ALR-46 RWR is insufficient for 4th Gen fight, it is one of the best 3rd Gen RWRs. It sucks. but there were a lot of worse.
It ‘was’ fine back in July.
When the F-14A got down-tiered into 10.7-11.7 or 11.3-12.3, it still was the only plane with ARH.
And They were not easily counterable due to RWR issues, and unfriendly tutorials. (Gaijin should’ve forced players to see ‘how to notch’ vids before buying Rank 7 jets)
You also played in that era too, right?
Half of the matches were American Civil War. The side which has a better Tomcat pilot wins.
Feels somewhat balanced when having Tomcats on ‘Both sides’ but still unsatisfying bc feels like becoming the minor role.
The problem was the other half. USA vs World matches.
Americans always dominated the match. Unless too much Basebombing F-4S with no missiles freeride the team and shit from F-4S hits the fan.
F-14 always spammed 4-6 Phoenixs without any skills for easy free kills.
Losing 30~50% of the team in every match as opponents.
There were basically nearly no chances non-US mainsSides unless Americans blundered badly.
Always outnumbered, Always outgunned, and usually ended up with a massacre.
As I claimed before, in that era, Getting hit by Phoenix on purpose ends pain quicker than resisting against mighty, glorious America.
It isn’t my fault that I had bad enough pilots with mediocre planes. Right?
Or Am I? Because I didn’t become one of your kinds and buying Tomcat?
Then I was roundly criticized by Tomcat-Mains with those premium bombers with no missiles as ‘Tomcat is perfectly balanced. It is just an F-4J with a swept wing. All you idiots whining about it is because you are skillless braindead bombers.’ for a long time.
And October 2024. F-14A got directly nerfed for the first time since it was introduced. (Every other BR change was an indirect side-effecting nerf by decompression)
I saw much of Tomcatfuggers crying about it.
Sorry for the aggression, I don’t give a damn about them. And I feel it is Karma of them.
hyperbolically, It is their turn to get spammed.
I agree that norm F-14A is overrated a bit for now. (thanks to IRIAF Variant with Fakour)
But, It can’t go down to 12.3 without losing AIM-54. even though it is the worst one, it is ARH. can’t be too low BR.
Sending F-14A IRIAF to 13.0 with decompressing again is better.
F-14A (Normal) shouldn’t be the same BR as F-14A IRIAF
and at the same time F-4J(UK) without AIM-7F shouldn’t be same BR with F-4J/S with AIM-7F.
Send F-4S to 12.3.
F-4EJ Kai, 2000C, MiG-21bison to 12.7.
F-15C to 14.0 and EF2000/F-15E to 14.3.
If F-14A goes back to 12.3, it will punish everything on down-tier with those 4th-gen fuselage.
Just like F-5C crybabies cry on the forum for being unplayable(Skill issue) the plane which they paid.
Were gone 11.0 at July decompression, and reverted halfway back to 10.7 in October.
or Ridiculous F-86A & MiG-15 buff in May which has done brain-deadly and ruined the early jet era.
Just like tomcat players claimed every critique as ‘whining of no-brain bombers and yelling learn to play’
Hyperbolically, Tomcat players should learn to play how to notch advanced ARH missiles AIM-120. :/
All I can wish for you about the current shit-hole status of F-14A is
‘Hopes Gaijin Decompress BR quickly and don’t makes F-14A face F-15C or Su-27SM. and fewer Tornado F.3 Late or F-4F ICE.’
The “Extended Chaff Adapter” is also an option, though would likely be exclusive with loading missiles on the tunnel stations, since the forward missile racks contain the coolant for the (Non-Sealed) AIM-54s.
It can also reportedly be loaded with Flares as well, but I don’t have useful sources for it, though it would allow for the ALE-29A to be dedicated to Flares, even without said compatibility so the count would in effect be increased.
“The dispenser held 120 rounds of Chaff/Flare and at the time the ECA Rail was used the chaff round end caps were either blue (RR-129) or yellow (RR-144) and the flare rounds were a dull brass color. The chaff rounds would go in the from 90 holes and the flares went in the back 30 holes (normal load out). The ECA Rail first came out in the early 80’s and was in service until the mid 90’s.”
Gee… If only there were some way to know a Phoenix was coming towards you without RWR… Definitely no giant white line in the sky moving in an obvious direction for no shit 30 seconds to tell you a missile was coming… Not nothing at all.
Literal skill issue especially in RB where your 3rd person view gives you fantasy situational awareness for these things
Yes. According to the characteristics of the missile, Phoenix itself might be considered a skill-check missile.
It is an annoying missile. It was the one and only ARH before the seek-n-destroy update, but it also can be defeated more easily than the rest of the more advanced ARHs.
But, if Phoenix goes combined with the 4th-gen fuselage of Tomcat, opponents they faced, and the awful compression which we had before thanks to Gaijin’s laziness.
The situation became complicated.
Every 30% of the team was vaporized by Phoenix(well, they will get killed by AIM-7F even if there was no Phoenix at all. They might buy more time before getting shot down with no effort), which caused an awful outnumbered situation.
IMO, Even though Phoenix itself can be considered as a skill-check missile, I think no plane which has a worse RWR than F-4J shouldn’t face F-14 at all.
Feels slightly similar to AIM-9L from A-10A fragging F-86 situation.
And, Tomcat itself also ‘was’ powerful even if we consider them without AIM-54.
It is 4th gen fighter which has good dogfighting ability.
It might not be the best dogfighter in this game, but it’s still enough to punish Starfighters or Phantoms.
Also, AIM-7F is one of the best ‘western’ SARH. Of course, it is worse than the infamous friggin R-27ER. Still, it can dominate against the rest of SARH, which they will face in the down-tiered match.
In summary, I am claiming that F-14A can’t go back to 12.3.
It was one frigging exploiter of compression, and it shouldn’t abuse that advantage again.
“But what about 2000C?”
- Yes. It is also a compression problem. It also should move up.
“Do you really think F-14A need to face AMRAAM from F-15C/J??”
- No. Current 13.7 planes like F-15C, Gripen, and Su-27SM also should move up and shouldn’t face F-14A USN. Just in the same way that F-104S got liberated from F-14A.
A tomcat without phoenixes is flat out unacceptable
Oh no no no
I didn’t mean to geld the Tomcat by removing AIM-54 once and for all.
It is one of the most charming points of F-14 itself
(On the balancing side, it created quite a painful headache due to its unique characteristics though)
Phoenix itself is one big and beautiful missile. Isn’t it?
It would be a shame if she lost her best charm.
I just wanted to point out that,
- even if we think of it as 4th-Gen F-4J, it ‘was’ still powerful back in those days.
Sorry for bad writing.
TMI: When I was kid, I was raptured by an F-14 on Ace combat, Flying over Dubai and Spamming Phoenix to enemies…
I kinda loved Tomcats just before starting WT :/
Yeah, it was pretty insane on launch, but now with more aircraft that can fight it consistently at 12.3 or even 12.0, I think the base F14A should go back to 12.3 due to it’s bad RWR, 12.3 armament tbh, and weak early 4th gen flight performance, the IRIAF is fine where it is, and if the B is 13.0 it should have 9Ms. Even an F-4E can fight back against a tomcat.
Well, I prefer proper decompressing further than sending F-14A USN back to 12.3 though
As long as there still are some dumb planes like F-104S or MiG-27 at 11.3
I understand that F-14A USN nowadays is having a hard time.
- Better opponents on lower BR like M2KC
- Superior IRIAF with Fakour in the same BR
- unresistible F-15C in uptier just like when F-14A was on release…
From ‘Public Enemy No.1’ to ‘unplayable compared to counterparts’
What a big size of drop-off. :'(
I rather prefer to give AIM-9L for USN F-14A Early and puts same BR with Iranian model because AIM-54A/C could still get some buffs, it could get a bit insane if implemented at lower BR.
The Iranian F-14 should be just side grade to the TT model as it is still an event aircraft after all.
Yes. I think reverting F-14A USN to 12.3 will cause problems. Especially if AIM-54 gets buff.
On the current status and the current difference between ‘F-14A USN and F-14A IRIAF’ seems way bigger than just ‘sidegrade’
Thanks to Silly Fakour-90 which flies at lighting speed (Thanks! Thruster from MIM-23 xd )
Reminds me F-4J(UK) and F-4J/S problem :/
(no HMS, no AIM-7F, slightly worse RWR, but same BR on all modes thanks to Gaijin’s laziness)
Instead of rallying for the F-14s (especially the B) to be raised in BR for no good reason, you should rally for them to get buffed so they can go to higher BRs where they belong. That’s what most people have been doing for a while now.