If you think air battles are bad, try America toptier ground battles.
oh no no no. I am not that dumb enough for that, buddy.
I heard plenty of bad reps about those Click-baits from friends and saw a few of them too when I tried my Challenger DS :x
Why are you lying??? It takes ZERO chaff to decoy. God. Everyone in this thread advocating for F-14 nerfs is stupid.
Premium player gets slammed by the skillcheck missile. Where have we heard this before?
Why are you responding with that to a comment that says they are fine?
The only ones I’d deem too good is the IRAF due to it facing planes with pretty trash RWRs (Mig-23MLA for example). They also force a team into a defensive position in a downtier which isn’t super balanced.
No, they do not
He’s the author of this topic, and now that the F-14s are overtiered without any buffs, he says they’re “fine”. BS.
I also like how you say “They also force a team into a defensive position” like that’s a bad thing. That’s the only thing it can do in its current state. And you can’t use the “It’s beating on pl so unfair!1!11!” argument when it has the worst RWR for it’s BR.
It’s not like they can go down. ARH missiles don’t belong below 12.7, and BR compression can explain the rest of the balancing.
Which makes it incredibly strong, because it allows their team to easily go on the offensive. Being forced to defend without any way of fighting back sucks, especially in something like a Mig-23 with abysmal RWR. You are severely underestimating how powerful that ability is.
I think the Ja37DI has it worse. Plus, in a downtier it faces planes with truly terrible rwrs.
They have gone up in BR since release, but that’s due to decompression.
thats all the people do on the forums is whine about american planes.
That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the buffs that needed to come to the Tomcats didn’t come, which makes it unworthy of being that BR. And with planes like the J35XS going down, there was no need to bring the tomcats up. The problem wasn’t itself, it was the enemies it was facing.
- It’s not the entire team. With the IRIAF it’s a maximum of 4 and with the A it’s a maximum of 6. And that’s assuming you use all of them or they all hit. If it’s such a problem, turn cold away from the missiles (anything over 89 degrees) and the missile can’t see you anymore. It’ll switch to IOG, miss you, and you can turn back in after like 5 seconds.
- “Being forced to defend without any way of fighting back sucks” Huh. That kinda sounds like a full uptier problem and not the F-14 problem. Every plane experiences this. It’s not a “strong ability” if it can be countered by not being AFK or a zomber. You don’t need a good RWR to see missile trails or check the leaderboard for a full uptier + America on the opposing team.
This is also untrue. The Ja37DI has launch warnings and it’s easy to see where the enemy is coming from with the big flashing sectors. The F-14A has no launch warnings, can’t identify anything, and it is hard to see where anything comes from with the thin, dotted lines.
Shouldn’t they have ECCM? It isn’t in-game though
If im in my 9.3 F-100D and I fight 9.7 MiG-21 SPS-K which is faster and has better missiles than me, I am forced defensive, it happens with literally every plane in the game if they get uptiered
In order to do that, the SPS-K has to sacrifice its gun, plus it doesn’t have flares.
The effect is more prominent with the F-14 IRAF, due to the flow of matches around that BR.
Can’t it carry gun with r60?
And what your saying is that it isn’t the IRIAF fault, it’s just because there are more people at that BR.
The issue is that many uptiers planes can’t effectively notch due to having segmented RWR displays. Good luck notching one with Spo-10 (it’s possible, but very tricky if it’s picking up more than just 1 lock ping).
It’s a compression issue, as well as an issue with the IRAF being the only one with that capability at that BR.
Segmented RWR displays are almost always worse because you can’t notch something as easily. You can figure out a general location, but you don’t know if you have 1 or 3 missiles being launched at you.
The F-14B’s Aim-54C 100% should have it, and possibly the Fakour due to it being so new.
Bah, nonsense.
Claiming opponents as a ‘skill issue’.
Typical Tomcattier way of solving problems.
F-14 in this game has been awfully underrated since it was ever born. Until it got proper nerfing in October 2024. After two bloody years of crown.
Every decompression was helpful but was not enough.
Every one of your kind claims that Phoenix or Fakour is a skill-check missile but ignores the fact that there were only a few RWRs that alerted them properly.
No matter if I evaded Phoenix or not, There was always half of the teams are gone without any efforts
Which creates a terribly outnumbered game.
And every match ended with a single-sided shitshow.
Remnants struggle with F-4S spamming AIM-7F until F-14A rearms and joins the fight to finish the futile resistance.
The sin for flying a non-U.S. aircraft, of course. :/
IMO, On the current meta, Every ARH carrier can’t go below 12.7.
Current 11.3BR planes and lower are just not ready for dealing with those seal-clubbing bomber-fraggers.
“But F-14A nowadays are overrated and unplayable!”
That sounds like karma to me.
Awaits further decompression then your tomcat will liberated from F-15C just like F-104S did against F-14A.
Okay then, what will you bring for an insult?
“How about R-27ER!!” Whataboutism?
“Phoenix isn’t AMRAAM fool.”?
Yup, Phoenix isn’t as advanced as its counterparts.
That is why F-14A is 12.7, not 13.7.
If AIM-54 were as good as AIM-120 or R-77 does.
According to the example of J-11A, F-14A might be stuck at 13.7 with that RWR and be even worse.
I think F-14A on 12.7 is fine. (For opponents)
Unlike in old times at 11.3-11.7, there are more planes with advanced RWR and better amounts of chaffs.
Less free-kill for Tomcat nonetheless.
Tomcat itself seems to be having a hard time, though.
I really love the moment that Tomcatphiles claims
‘Why you are getting killed by us are pure skill issue, not because F-14A is broken’
‘Why we are getting killed by F-15C are pure balancing issue, not because we have skill issue’
at the same time.
I’m glad somebody else noticed this little slice of hypocrisy!
I know that F-14A on the current BR is having a hard time.
It has
- slightly outdated RWR
- AIM-54A which are only good for fragging bombers with awful RWR (or awful players)
- mediocre AIM-9H IR missile.
- 60CM which is not enough to deal with advanced ARH.
It shouldn’t see current 13.7BR jets like Gripen, F-15C, and Su-27SM.
But, it doesn’t mean that
- Gaijin should revert the decompressing of the BR
- and let Tomcatphiles have fun with their infamous toy and exploit the compression again.
Just like the fact that F-14A shouldn’t face 13.7, 11.3 shouldn’t face F-14A too.
F-104S, MiG-27, AMX A-1A, and JA37C might be an example.
I am really tired of those nasty double standards of ‘bad Tomcatphile’