I think F-14 are became way much overpowered on current meta after multipathing

No good reason? really?

Nah, reverting Nerf will cause nothing but stupid problems.

of course, reverting nerfs also makes F-14A happy.
But, Not in the way of ‘let her go proper position’.
Instead, of ‘letting her abuse the compression shitstorms all over again’.

F-14A USN and F-14B will be FINE if the compression problem gets solved better and better
when every decompression comes up.
if we decompress the BR properly. then BR gaps will become wider.

IMO, F-14A USN is a 12.5-ish kind of plane.
can’t go down to 12.3 thanks to some of its unique characteristics
but can’t stay at the current 12.7 BR ‘IF’ F-14A IRIAF stays on the same BR with F-14A USN.

Then there is only one option.
Creating position between current 12.3 and 12.7 with decompression.

Buffing the Phoenix for historically correct than now, or giving a countermeasure pod can be followed as extra care. if F-14A USN and F-14B perform awful even if they get treatment and don’t see F-15C anymore.

While you just got annoyed because I didn’t agree with your idea and you ended up with personal insulting. Tsk.

Yes. on the 11.7-12.7 match, F-14A are the only planes which carry missiles with ARH seekers.

Maybe. But not when F-14A were harassing matchmakers from 10.3-11.3 to 11.3-12.3
They were extremely underrated when it was released

Maybe. but F-4S also are an underrated plane compared to counterparts like F-4J(UK)/K/M from British or Mirage F1C. thanks to AIM-7F which is one of the best western SARH in this game.
If we need to make the gap between F-14A and F-4S narrow, let F-4S go 12.3 suits better.
Of course, current 12.3BR jets like Mirage 2000C or F-4EJ kai also need to move up to 12.7 if F-4S goes 12.3.

it is also the same compression problem.
Just like when F-14A was on 11.3 and saw Mirage IIIC.
F-14A USN shouldn’t see F-15C.

Unfortunately, F-14A Early can’t get any upgrades, except for AIM-9L and AIM-54A historical fixes.

F-14A received TARPS stuffs, BOL launcher, AIM-9M-8, AIM-54C, AIM-7MH/P ,AN/ALR-67 RWR, etc. before it was retired in 2004, but what we have currently in the game is based on the 1977 SAC, so we can’t receive them.

Even the AIM-9L was not listed in the 1977 SAC, and at best was only tested to kill QF-86F Sabre target drone at China Lake that same year.

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How about removing that silly (Early) tag on it?
I always thought that it was ridiculous.

Limiting F-14A just for adding at the same time with Top Gun Maverick. :/

when any nation except the US was not ready to face that beast…

I thought that they would add F-14A (Late) later than “Danger Zone” but sadly it never happens.
It seems Gaijin cherry-picked F-14A on 1977 SAC on purpose.

Just like Copy-Pasted Sea Harrier FRS.1 with only the difference of AIM-9L rail.
(I heard that the introduction of dual AIM-9L rail on SHAR was after the Falkland war. Forgot the source though)

cant deny, was good marketing idea, and i mean the tomcat shoudlve been first 4th gen ingame anyways so people would be complaining regardless

I would rather see it in the game in a different vehicle as “F-14A late” because F-14A in late 1990s to early 2000s are basically F-14B with TF-30. I assume it would comes as premium or whatever.

However, I would not that against to change from 1977 SAC to 1984 NATOPS loadouts because 1984 F-14A is actual tomcat from Top Gun movie and it can gets TCS, AIM-9Ls, AIM-7Ms.

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That would be better.


Probably I will post F-14A(1984) suggestion in forum later :p


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Welp, changing to a mid 80’s F-14A would also require some camouflage rework, but it wouldn’t be that big of a deal because it is not that differents from late 1970s to early 80s.

VF-1 Wolfpack from 1988

VF-2 Bounty Hunters from 1986-1988

VF-33 Starfighters from 1984 (literally same as we current have one except tail section)

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I really hope you know that “Early” is not a real designation at all. It’s an arbitrary term Gaijin has made so they have the cop-out of making you grind the same aircraft twice. It’s inconsistent with the dates or block numbers of aircraft.

I agree.

It’s also the perfect time to finally add an in-game Jolly Rodgers skin.

I know that. (and thats why I mentioned about 1984 NATOPS)

In the real life, the Tomcat had so many patchwork modifications that there were hardly any aircraft with exactly the same specifications so, Gaijin modeled the 1977 F-14A as an “Early” model.

This is also problem in DCS World, even though the 3D model is a mid-1980s F-14A, the armament and avionics are the same as those of the late 1990s and early 2000s, as it received an ALR-67 RWR, AIM-9M, and AIM-7MH.

EJ Kai, F-14A, F-14A IRIAF:
Radar: EJ Kai.
IR missile: EJ Kai.
Radar missile: F-14A/EJ Kai.
ARH missile: F-14A IRIAF. [This is what makes the F-14A IRIAF superior to the F-14A and arguably EJ Kai.]
Countermeasures: EJ Kai.
RWR: EJ Kai.
Speed: 3 way tie.
Engines: EJ Kai.
Airframe: F-14A/F-14A IRIAF. ~7% difference between them and EJ Kai.

Erm… Sir?
I think I can’t understand your current reply on full condition
because you shortened your comment too short this time (unlike you usually do)
and you wrote this as a normal reply on the topic but not about a specific post.

It’s a continuation from another topic, the bulk of a point I am making.
The user knows the context, and in a vacuum it’s around another point as well.

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ah, now I get it.
You guys had fun on another topic. duplicated one. right?

I checked that topic.
Kinda disappointed that I needed to check another closed topic for 100% understanding of your reply >:/

You think that F-14A USN should brought down to 12.3 and tied up with EJ Kai.
While other guys disagree with you bc worrying about compression. right?

EJ Kai might can be tied up with F-14A USN
But not in a way of rolling it back down to 12.3.

We need decompression, not compress it back.
Send the rest of the current 12.3 to 12.7 might be better.

It is just bullshit that there is only a 0.3BR gap between F-4J(UK)/F-104S.ASA and F-4EJ Kai.
Send F-4J(USN)/F-4S to 12.3, current 4th gen-ish into 12.7.

What GJ can do cannot be done easily in DCs though…
GJ tomorrow might give a patch that brings modifications …by block and they can do it in many planes.
They can also add BR change to modifications (they’ve done it before).
You understand that we are reaching… the end in technology advancement.
I think they will do things like that after we reach the end in tech trees…

The main problem of the Phoenixes and Fakhour ARH from the F14 is the fact it can face jets that have only 4 direction RWRs like the Mirage F1C, Ja37D, and Mig 23ML variants. Jets that have four direction RWRs pretty much don’t have much counterplay against ARH missiles due to the RWR usually not giving accurate pings as well as sometimes it doesn’t even detect the missile until the last minute.

Raising the BR of the normal F-14A to 13.0br would not be a good solution as it would be very unplayable, though the F14A IRIAF should move up to 13.0br due to the Fakhour having such a large range, and speed.

All in all, the best way to solve the problem would be either to decompress the BRs (unlikely) to happen or to implement a +/- 0.7br spread. I think a 0.7br spread would solve a bunch of balancing issues and would help at least safely be able to move some BRs around without worry of a jet facing something it shouldn’t.


However, I would rather see the AIM-9L added to the F-14A Early and after decompression (hopefully) have the same BR as the F-14A IRIAF and have the F-14A Late implemented into the game as different vehicle with different loadouts. A models from 1970s and 2000s are not similar.

Probably only the B model deserves the treatment you mention because current F-14B has historically incorrect loadouts/models.


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Yeah, GJ usually fook the players up with ‘Decompressing’(Laugh) things…

I still can’t get why Tornado F.3 Late have only 1 step different from F-15C
or Meteor F.4 and F-86A on the same BR.

F-14A IRIAF Shouldn’t be the same BR with F-14A USN
F-4J(UK) shouldn’t be same BR with F-4J/S (USN)
The whole BR radius since 7.0 has been compressed as hell. :/

It’s just a difference of degree. >:|

Hyperbolically, we might see F-14D (What If?) or F-22A faster than fully decompressed BR.