I think F-14 are became way much overpowered on current meta after multipathing

late A model has same A2G loadouts with B model as far as I know.


It’s so funny when people are focusing on AIM54 alone and forgetting tomcat is a very maneuverable and agile giant to begin with. It reliably beats everyone in this BR bracket that is not a Mirage.
*Edit: and that is in my opinion, they should both go up in BR. Maybe have some new Aim9 variant as compensation.


TBH, if they are going to do it, I would like to see Gaijin change it from the 1977 F-14A they are modeling to something from 1986 which has TCS on nose.

And yes… 1980s F-14A is the actual Tomcat from the Top Gun movie.

Yap. The single most annoying factor of F14A is the RWR. I suppose by changing it to a later version it could be miles better.


As far as I know, most F-14As until late 1990s didn’t gets RWR upgrades because A model was already too old at that time and they could use B/B(U) or D model which is ways better than A model.

A model in 1986 would be fine because it doesn’t have huge difference with 1977 one we currently have except TCS.

Some A models have been upgraded in various ways and could be called Frankenstein models of the F-14A and F-14B, but if it comes in the game, they should have AIM-9M+AIM-54C instead of stucking with AIM-9L+AIM-54A.

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First, a bit about me, Im a lvl 100 player, but mostly from ground RB experience (weeb nation), but I have some, but not much, exp in air RB. I have some knowledge of radar and missiles.

During this summer sales I bougth the italian F-104 TAF and the only 2 problems I see with it are, Matra Magic 2 slingers, wich I can manage by not allowing them getting close to me. And then Phoenix slingers, wich I encounter in 8 of each 10 battles. My gameplay then reduces to me panicking if my trash RWR is warning me of some phoenix I wont be able to dodge due to my F-104 “go straigh go fast” nature since I cant go faster than a phoenix, or to trying to dodge it and 90% chance of failing to do so, and a 10% chance of the phoenix miracle fails to hit me, only to some nasty Matra MAgic 2 flying thru all my chaff n flares to erase my sitting duck ass after spending all my speed trying to dodge the phoenix.
Sorry for my bad english.
Im starting to really hate Tomcat players.

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I came to the forum to make this comment, since I came back to the game after more than 6 years retired, got a new account and brought a MiG-23ML during the Summer Sale, the aircraft is good, but at this BR, I got killed 80% by F14 since they can shot from the other side of the planet and it’s hard to counter.

Why you don’t even see HUGE smokes lol


If you can’t evade aim-54, then you need much more training on top tier. Its not that hard. Notching, multi direction (change directions) flying, well placed chaff, running cold, evasive maneuvers, teammates (ok, this would be hard…) all works. Even Gaijin made a video for that. But no… you don’t use those options, you just: NERF the aim 54 and tomcats!!!


You were gone 6 years ( a lot has changed ) you make a brand new account, and jump into top tier not understanding how the mechanics work at this br. Then its automatically the fault of the aircraft that you fly against, not the lack of experience of playing at this br is the problem?

An easy google search or forum search has plenty of information how to dodge the aim-54 its really not hard. They lowered the multipath by 40 meters ( which the community was asking for ) and everyone acting like they just got their dog ran over.


When this topic was created a month ago
There was no ‘evading missile guide’ by Gaijin themselves.

of course, I can evade AIM-54 flying right into me unless I play Tornado shit (it has pos manoeuvrability which is even worse than F-104, attempting notch after the missile goes on is risky for it. need to
full defensive and notch the whole radar signal.)

But at the moment of a month ago, when the update was just released, and when this topic was created. It was just meaningless for evading AIM-54 of mine.
My team will lose half of the teammates by friggin Phoenix-spamming Tomcatters anyway and were gone outnumbered by a 1v2 or 1v3 ratio.
Plus+ There weren’t not much of planes which mounted RWR for alerting AIM-54 properly at that moment.

AIM-54 might be not a ‘big’ problem if the player’s skill level reaches the minimum requirement of playing top ranks. (Still, it is a bit annoying to make players forcing to play defensive while Phoenix is the only ARH which are placed lower than 13.0BR, and there is no counterpart missile for the rest of the countries) It is easily notch-able unless you are flying some kind of brick shit without chaff, right?

But Tomcat THEMSELVES were really annoying plane before BR Extension. They were powerful planes thanks to 4th Gen Maneuverability and AIM-7F/M. still, it kicks ass against worse counterpart SARHs like Super 530F or Skyflash. while those guys are blaming all around about R-27ERs :|
AIM-54 acted as ‘the cherry on the top’ type of weaponry at that time.

The new BR Extension feels flop for me (too many flaws like F8U-2 or A-5C.)
but at least I don’t face many of those damn tomcats with my attacker variant Tornado or Sea Harrier.
Also heard that Tomcats now gets more uptier matches than before. I hope they feel happy to face more AIM-120 while playing F-14. :P

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Skill issue. Tornado IDS is still my go to bomb sled in top tier EC matches, even against AMRAAM slingers. People bitch about its manueverability way too much. Its not realistic, but it is functional

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I was thinking about the ADV variant. Its engine goes fubar and becomes sluggish on high alt, making it risky to evade AIM-54 ‘after it fired’. it might be a skill issue though :|

and I exaggerated a bit maybe? Of course, many of AIM-54 miss when I go defensive and notching. but sometimes… :/

ADV has better performance than the IDS

I thought ADV had a worse performance than IDS for turn rate.
Maybe a human error caused by ‘bad memories last longer’ :/

sorry for the error.

Anyway, I never thought a monthly aged topic could get resurrected from a tomb.

For now, I feel just ‘fine’ with those tomcats and AIM-54 after the new BR changes.
I still feel them as somewhat kind of nasty planes but on an acceptable level. (seems They go uptier matches more times than before changes. causing fewer downtier slaughter.)

They are too strong at 12.0 and a 2-4 of them still completely dictate high level engagements. Aim54C take a huge amount of chaff to spook. It’s only going to get worse with the new F-14 event vehicle.


working as intended