Nah you go there if you are Physco and want painful. game play.
If you haven’t already then you will start getting one kill per game then two, then three etc,it’ll come.You have the right attitude and even the youtube content creators have lousy games,they just don’t show them obviously : )
I’ve surprised myself, a few hours ago I got 9 kills in one tank, also I’m not too beginner anymore I’ve started a while ago (a year maybe?) I just forgot how to play well again, but I’ve still learnt new things in this post
Use air. The 3.7 Bf110 has good bomb / rocket / gun loadout. Bf 109 F4 and for narrow citymaps the He-111 with that super bomb. Allies are notoriously bad at air defense.
A bit of a subjective statement really, you are only one player on an alleged team of sixteen, not all playing together with a coordinated plan for the teams desired outcome. Some of your team might even actively be doing their best to disrupt and hinder the teams chances.
Your input is minimal, you can be an absolute hero but your team will still lose. Personally the statistics in the game are really utterly meaningless, it depends on so many other factors, team mates, vehicle BR, effectiveness of the vehicle or vehicles, luck, connectivity issues.
Also due to the matchmaking and how player skill is not taken into account, you have skillful players that should be in a top flight league still playing Sunday league pub football of course they are going to shine, they are big fish in a small pond, and the elephant in the room, cheating. You have no idea if it was skill or cheating that made that awesome shot, all the banned players in the lists are the low hanging fruit using very crude simple ways to try and gain an advantage. There are far better, subtler and harder to detect ways and methods, it is a constant battle between the cheats and the cheat detection programs and often the cheaters are in front.
It is hard to give advice and not appear patronizing ,nice to see it’s coming together and I am sure we all have good and bad games.
Bruh. Bro’s using the best 3.7 ranks and still cant do anything. Smh
The gun on panzers slaps everyone, the wirbelwind obliterates any plane closer than 2 km.
Skill issue
No duh, hes still very new to the game lol Not enough games to be able to use every vehicle out there properly. Takes time.
K, just checked him up. I guess i was wrong. I just cant really understand how playing germany on low and toptier can be painful because of the experience. But this guy does loik like a newbie, so gl for him
what about the mid-tier. Is that a the realm you do not speak off cause they actually suffer there.