I suck at German 3.7 BR

I’m quite a new player and I’ve been grinding German Ground, realistic battles:

My lineup consists of the Pz IV. F2, Pz III. M, Pz IV. H, and the Pz IV. G, with my air vehicle being the BF-109 E-3.

I average around 1-2 kills per match, and maybe even 3-4, back when I played 2.7, if I’m lucky, and honestly, in recent days, I seldom get kills, and lose my entire lineup within a few minutes often to the M4A3 105 and KV-1’s of any variant (Can’t remember them off the top of my head.) Occasionally, I get picked off by CAS, but this usually happens if I’m the top of the team on a losing match.

What are some tips on late rank 2, since the vehicles I use are pretty much the definition of glass cannons?

What are some other vehicles you would recommend? I kind of am rushing the tiger, and I’m around 24k RP away from unlocking it, but I also put RP into the Puma before I unlocked the tanks needed to research Rank III.

Thank you

Hey, add me in WT and tomorrow I can help you with it, It’s hard to put my strategies into words and its easier shown. That being said, German 3.7 is incredibly strong, I get a good average of around 4-8 kills per match, it’s just mainky playstyle
Some quick tips though for Pz.IVs

  • your armor isn’t all that strong, angle when possible but don’t rely on it
  • the APHE can pen pretty much everything, you just need to know where to shoot
  • play it pushing but at range, so like don’t push into C but use the German 75’s incredibly good muzzle velocity to snipe enemies pushing into C
  • rangefind once and guesstimate from there, set “gun targeting range up/down” to a keybind to help with this
  • use a sight with a rangescale, like the original. Non-rangescaled sights are only good with Laser Rangefinders
  • your scariest enemy is early heavies, like KV-2 and KV-1, so I recommend having a friend play Russia while you play Germany

I recommend a lineup of Pz IV H, G, and F2 with the Stuka and BF-109, if you have more slots add the Puma and then from there add an SPAA you enjoy