I shouldn't need to go blind or mess with the brightness of my monitor to play

why is the sun always the most bright thing ever? one side gets completely blinded by it and the other side doesn’t have to deal with it? like figure a way to tune down that stuff? i shouldn’t need to see an eye doctor after a single game


My guess is intended frustration

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"Relisim"😂. Not all battles are fair, often one side has it to there back and the other to the face. Still I do agree that it can be blinding sometimes, especially when sniping or in a dogfight. One turn and you get flash banged. Oh and it’s the worst thing ever on winter/snowy maps


The energy from the Sun - both heat and light energy - originates from a nuclear fusion process that is occurring inside the core of the Sun. The specific type of fusion that occurs inside of the Sun is known as proton-proton fusion


So what I’m hearing is if I ever need some Nuclear Fusion, I can just take the first spaceship to the sun and pick some up there??

If you can survive getting to the core of the sun… yes!


Too bad we can’t figure out cold fusion :(


Pffffftttt, just a little sunburn, that’s all. I mean what’s that compared to the amount of money that I can make from being able take nuclear energy from the sun. I mean I guess it would be cheaper and easier to use the bi-product of Taco Bell, but where’s the fun in that?🤣

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Yes but go at night to reduce the chance of being burned up.

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Omg your right. Take it by surprise, while the sun is sleeping. Smart very smart.

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Actually, @Pacifica Ive been reading on Hot Fusion Recators, and the currently world record holding size for a fusion reactor is 5 inches in diameter, three feet in total. and I’m sure it can be smaller, but is currently producing 15Kilowatts of electricity. Considering that the heat is stopped by gas jets, it could be possible to see small scale fusion reactors in the not too distant future…

Hmm this is looking a bit too familiar, just can’t put my finger on it.

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To be fair, the game should put the sun in both team’s eyes when it does that…

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