Im new to top tier currently have usa 95% ish of tech tree
And i ran into problem with helicopter. Im not complaining i need proper advice from guys. How to avoid the
1-S.A.M(my whole body shivers when it fires at me)
2-AGM(super fast plane says-here is big chunky missile)
3-other heli
Most usa heli have hellfire and how to use them?
Im using AH.1Z and i ask same question for the apache, ah60
Viper should be fairly easy to maneuver after firing all suspended armament. Things might get rough with the Apache and the Nighthawk since they are Heavy chopper and multirole chopper respectively. If the SAM is IR, flares should be enough. SAM w/ IRCCM are another story. AGM depends on the aircraft but most of them requires TGP and are trickier to spot. Other helis?Just look at how brainless the Ka-50 and Ka-52 are.
Can you explain? What do you mean by SAM? If you mean surface-air missiles, the best thing you can do to avoid it is destroying it, most helicopters are useless against SACLos missiles despite Flare and Chaff loads;
AGM is the same thing, at the moment someone shoot anything that doesn’t need infrared seeker you’re almost done for, nothing much to do, and in ground battles, a fight between two helicopters is pretty rare since by the moment a helicopter approach the battle area, he’s a easy target, and if you manage to reach another helicopter, the one who most hit shots wins, and the winner is probably highly damaged and you’ll probably crash into the ground before reaching the helicopter field.
Living as a helicopter in the War Thunder environment is just like living as a ant in the animal kingdom, you’re not the best, you’re not the protagonist, you’re points that you’ll give to the enemy team. Just try to keep distance.
Zulu Viper is honestly the best heli in the game, but I’d argue with the Whisky Viper because it has the Mk.32 FFAR (Zuni’s) that are great rockets with a good ballistic computer.
It’s really straightforward, just hover over your airfield and lob in AGM-114’s, someone shoots at you, dive to your field, and repeat
Get used to not flying above 50m, never close within 5km of the battle unless your team is spawn camping and don’t expect to do well in anything other than a Ka-52/28NM/✡AH-60
tl;dr grind F-15E