Personally it hasn’t really affected me in the sense of you know how to use it then it’s not really going to make a difference.
My guess it was done because of those players that are less skilled went and cried about how they were hit by a missile whilst they were flying straight and level and are convinced that it’s unfair and impossible to dodge.
Yet those of us that actually know how to play the game will know that even a bomber is able to dodge a missile at distance distance simply by actually flying the plane.
A fighter will have no problem problem bucking the missile with a couple of turns.
It always amazes me when someone gets into a plane fliys straight and level and then starts crying and sending abusive messages because they were shot down.
Heck fly like that and you’ll die at the hands of a biplane
In some sense the reload now makes for four shots out extremely quickly and an endless supply of missiles when in a cap.
I’m no yet sure which a prefer yet. An extended reload as it was before or or a quick reload but you have to visit the cap point to do so leaving you more vulnerable.
I guess it puts and end to a Douglass sitting at the back Suppressing the whole enemy team whilst appearing impervious to a skillless team of flyers.
That said there are pilots who have no problem dodging the missile and then flying in and blowing me up. =. Skills and good kill sirs and maams
Personally any pilot worth his/her salt would quite easily spawn in and make a bee line for that Douglas regardless and still manage to take it out I make it my priority to whack one if I see it in game. It’s him/her or me. .
I guess it’s Gaijins attempt to balance the game. And minimise the countless emails from players whining they were shot down by cheaters whilst omitting the fact they were also abusive and flying in a straight line can’t say how many abusive messages iv had from players after taking them out.
I’d also like to acknowledge the few pilots who have actually messaged after a game and said to me how well I played with it.
Anyway. As I said at the start what annoyed me was the fact I bought the boat as it was bought. You shouldn’t be messing with it after it’s been bought like that. Then change it two years down the line. It is a bit shitty. Especially in arcade.
Realistic. Yes do what you like. But giving in to players who are whining about the boat because they have no skill is a bit shitty.
I’m sure any reasonable player understand where I am coming from. I think it’s only been done due to players complaining about being destroyed by it anyway.
And yes. If you have been popped by a Douglas it’s highly likely that it was me a few times as it’s my favourite boat.
I have countless videos on my twitch of pilots who fly like target drones. (About 95% or pilots ) and die.
The other 5% set out and come take care of business (salute rood bois).
Not sure how many games I have with it. Maybe 6000. I’ll check later.