I like the new naval arcade aim

Call it a design oversight, not a bug. They released a rushed patch without updating any of the pre-established aspects.
That’s why there’s no way to know if your guns are targeting the ship properly because they aren’t tied to a green sight indicator anymore. They simply removed the feedback and gave nothing in its place.

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I dont have whole screen bro I window screened. Had game - screended probably longest unwatering I ever had in game - finished the game. Would have to go to replay which I am not willing to do for sake of “show full screenshot”.

He’s just a fanboy that debunks criticism of a game he seemingly never plays because he’s always here arguing with me.

@Kweedko Yeah, if I’m such a drama queen, why are so many people talking about quitting right as Spring begins. Seems like they’re saying “hey go take a break, let the dumb people enjoy the game while you enjoy the sun.” What else should I take from such an absurd game design change and implementation? IT’S SUCH A MASSIVE CHANGE AND WAS IT MENTIONED IN THE ROADMAP???

Conversely, would it have been so difficult for Gaijin to toss out a promotion invitation for Realistic if they wanted to push Arcade players to RB?

It just stinks beyond belief.


I’m gonna try to stop it, cause you not showing me your stats.

I liked the new aiming mode too

Then vote [Poll] with multiple options for the changes to Naval Battles show em that not 99% against like they saying.


Polls closed. Stop trying to rig the vote.

Oh i’m not even started.

The results won’t be organic unless you factor there is 3 to 1 for every vote you recruit yourself.

I switched the mode to “realistic” and haven’t played without that, I played one game of arcade and I thought I’d let the AI do the aiming for me so I switched to manual control of the AA guns, the AI melted 3 boats and the game ended… lol

You can manually lead or lag with the new system - the same as the old aiming spot except you aim at he ship not a spot on the surface - so you lead or lag on the ship, not on the spot!

Yes - this and AAA spamming at everything at several km range are the down sides of the update IMO


It didn’t improve your precision. It removed the need for any whatsoever. There’s virtually no difference now between a player who spent dozens or hundreds of hours learning how to lead shots with a variety of ship and weapon types to a noob who started playing 2 minutes ago who by instinct will simply put the reticule on the target and fire. This is simply gaijin catering to the lowest common denominator without fixing any of the real problems with naval. All the new aiming system does is give noobs a fast dopamine hit that may fool them into buying a higher rank premium ship. Of course they’ll see how incompetently designed the entire mode is eventually but gaijin already has their money by then.


“It’s a very good system. Actually, can we have a completely different system?”


Poll is not closed, that was the other one. I am leaving this poll up indefinitely.


It was a joke, man. Look at them liking your comment. lol


Meanwhile everyone is either quitting Naval or the game. hahahah


What will it do, invalid his opinion? How about I show you my stats and invalid your opinion?

He claimed that he is good player, and then refused to prove it, not me.

btw. noice Moffet farma meine respektierung

I’ve not looked up a single person’s profile since beginning these discussions.


I tried it first time after 5 min queue for coastal. AB was a fun mode for coastal (only) . Now it’s… let’s say i’ll ignore the mode for the rest of its existence. 5 minute queue justified.
I won’t get to details for the aiming mode , i’ll pretend i didn’t see the crap altogether.

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