Well, now with the entry of the F15 Ra’am and the F15E, which have enormously good engines, I wonder Gaijin, why is the Mig 29’s engines re-nerfed? It still has WORSE engines than the Mig21’s engines. Exactly 6800 kg? and then you put things like the F15 and they talk to me about balance, there is no point of comparison, the mig 29 and the F15 almost in the same BR. Give back the corresponding push to the Klimov RD 33 Series 2 and 3

clearly there is no balance
American planes, if they respect the Kg of engines, Russian planes don’t
I’d like for the MiG-29 FMs to be unnerfed so that they can compete better against the F-15 and F-16s at their BRs.
Sad mind the mig 29 were never good at this game why “BALANCE”
the MiG-29 was pretty strong when it released…
No. if we talk about 9.
13 was very bad, it had a flight model worse than that of a Phantom since they denied it the R73 due to balance, they had to give it the R27ER and they took away the datalink and you had 2 good missiles and R60 (It is and continues to be very bad) against aim9l, which at the time the Aim9L was Very good, the SMT had its moment of glory when the R73 was META but then it fell again into misfortune.
9.12 and 9.13 were very strong on release.
An now cause America needs something. F100-PW-220 engines can produce 50,000 pounds of thrust (25,000 each) and the F100-PW-229 engines 58,000 pounds of thrust (29,000 each) .
Thats the F-15’s two types of engines the Variants use.
Gajin Never adds the right engine specs.
Mig-29’s engines produce over 3000kgf of thrust over Mig-21Bis’s engine.
RD-33s have over 12,000kgf per engine vs Mig-21’s 9000kgf.
Engine thrust is correct on almost all jets.
F-15E is correct, as is Mig-29.
Just saying cause people allways complain wrong engine stuff.