I am trying to see the laptimes of the old po-2 race for nostalgia sake

I think this was the race i took part in and won the po-2.
If anybody could help me find the laptimes and leaderboards that would make me happy.

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Hey Limp_biscuit,
I’ve got some pictures of the 2023 and 2024 leaderboards. I also have records of the world record lap times from the years of 2022, 2023, and 2024.

The following are the leaderboards for 2023, both first page, and up to the 1000th player (Po-2 winning point)


Here is the 2024 Leaderboard

I’d have to do more digging to find the 2022 leaderboard, but I ended 3rd on that with ____haterade coming in first iirc.

What I do have however is a few 2022 lap time world records:
My personal best time (at the time world record) for 2022:

The 2022 lap time world record holder at the end of the event however was Kruggly with an impressive 2:05.874

World record lap time competition grew tighter for 2023, but no one surpassed me for world records that year unfortunately. The world record ended that year with a 2:04.524

Verifyable by the leaderboard above for 2023

In 2024 the competition for wr was very tight. I was the first to break the 2:04 boundary and get a 2:03.954 lap time:

However Jaegerwolf, a friend of mine and runner up WR chaser, managed to sneak the world record from me on the last day with a very impressive 2:03.874

He is to date the fastest Po-2 racer of all time, as no one has yet beaten that time.

I hope this is of any help to you :>