Hypothetical Korea-Japan tech tree

Id rather have a full Korean tree
It’s far more feasible than even the Israeli one

North Korea Line
Tier 4:
T-34-85 - 5.7
Type 63 - 6.3
PT-85 - 7.0

Tier 5:
Chonma-Ho I - 8.3 (3BM-3)
Chonma-Ho III - 8.7 (3BM-21)
Chonma-Ho 92 - 9.0 (3BM-28)

Tier 6:
Chonma-Ho 98 - 9.3 (3BM-28)
Chonma-Ho 214 - 9.3 (3BM-28)
Pokpung-Ho I - 9.7 (3BM-36)
Pokpung-Ho III - 10.0 (3BM-36)

Tier 7:
Songun-Ho I - 10.3 (BTA4)
Songun-Ho II - 10.7 (BTA4)
M2020 early - 11.7 (DTC10E-125)
M2020 late - 11.7 (DTC10E-125)

Chonma-Ho II - 8.3 (3BM-6)
Pokpung-Ho II - 9.7 (3BM-36)

South Korean Line
Tier 4:
M4A3 76(w) HVSS - 5.7
M26 - 6.3

Tier 5:
M47 - 7.3 (M431)
M48A3K - 8.0 (K241)
M48A5K1 - 8.7 (K270)
M48A5K2 - 8.7 (K270)

Tier 6:
PV-1 - 9.3 (K270)
K1 - 9.7 (K270)
K1E1 - 10.3 (K274)
K1A1 - 10.7 (K276)

Tier 7:
K1E2 - 10.7 (K274N)
K1A2 - 11.3 (K279)
K2 - 11.7 (K279)
K2 PIP - 11.7 (K279N)

M48A5KW - 9.3 (K274)
PV-2 - 9.3 (K270)

Anti Air Line
Tier 4:
VTT323-37-2 - 5.0

Tier 5:
VTT323-57-2 - 7.0
K263A3 - 7.7
K-30 Biho - 8.0

Tier 6:
Pongae-2 - 9.3
K-30 Biho SAM - 10.0

Tier 7:
K-31 Chonma - 11.3

IFV / Tank Destroyers
Tier 4:
M36 - 5.7
Tokchon-100 - 6.0
KAFV-90 - 6.3

Tier 5:
Tokchon-122 - 7.0
K9A1 - 7.7
Tokchon-130 - 7.7
k200-MetisM - 8.3

Tier 6:
K21-40 - 9.0
K21-105 - 9.7
AS-21 REDBACK - 10.3

Tier 7:
Jupiter MGS - 11.3

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By your logic, all Taiwanese vehicles should be removed from the China TT and all East German vehicles should be removed from the German TT.
Did the gaijin act like that?
Oh, by the way, the Hungarian TT scheduled to be added to Italy includes Eastern Bloc vehicle?
What is this? : )

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British T-90S haha : )

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Well, basically Gaijin screwed them, cause now adding SK to JP is fully justified. Cause it will make more sense, than HUN to ITA

Yes, so there is no problem if Gaijin combines SK and NK.



If the add Korea to Japan(which i think they should) the TT should be renamed “Japan + Korea”


I don’t think you, or anyone else who keeps leveraging this accusation at me, knows what “cherry-picking” is. The hypothetical tree includes nearly everything that Korea has made. The only cherry-picking I did was avoiding copy-paste where possible, and I applied the same standard to Japan by not adding in a M8 LAC (used by both Korea and Japan postwar), a T12 GMC or a M3 Stuart (captured by Japan during the war), or a Colonial Panhard (one example found in Japanese hands after the war), and proposing the removal of the Japanese M36B2 and M47 for the same reasons.

The only other missing stuff are Korean vehicles, and also modern Japanese vehicles (i.e. Type 74 SPH), that would be too low in the tree, while also being incredibly modern, and breaking the aesthetic of lower ranks as a result, or ones that would be rather excessive, like the dozen export variants of the K-9s where most wouldn’t actually have any differences in-game; and prototypes that are unnecessary.