Hungarian sub tech tree: Italy or Germany?

thats an issue all the minor natoins have to deal with unfortunately. All we can do is be patient

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Fortunately, we in the USSR do not have such a problem (at least not to that extent).

Indeed. There would be over 50 vehicles completed, only a few examples made and not lacking in the Italian tech tree. But no, we don’t have stuff that could replace the VERY POWERFUL Hungarian weapons.


Image from rumors:

How to piss off Italians even more xDDDDD

can some one tell me when there going to put the hungarian tanks in the itallian tech tree? i still dont see any tanks???

In case you didn’t bother reading, Gaijin literally confirmed that the addition of Hungary doesn’t impact the addition of more Italian vehicles in the future, so your point is completely wrong.

By the way, the only Hungarian ‘prototype’ vehicle that Italy is getting is the Turan III (which was accepted into service so it wasn’t really a prototype), and this is the only unique 3.7 proper tank in the Italian tree, so your complaining is quite ironic. Things like the Turan I, Zrinyi II and Csaba had hundreds of examples built and used in combat so what you wrote is just wrong again. Also you’re quite the hypocrite, slandering Hungarian prototypes in the same sentence as asking for the prototype Re.2006. Can’t you just be happy the devs haven’t forgotten Italy and you get to play with something new?


The devs literally said Italy is also going to get more Italian vehicles, can’t you stop complaining and be happy that Italy is getting anything at all?

When the upcoming “Sons of Attila” update arrives, which is soon (probably less than a week).

When I see concrete proof that Italian vehicles will provide I will rejoice, but not before.


See when does germany, usa, soviet union, or eve CHINA get told to be happy they’re getting anything at all? adding a copy paste barely different version of a heli or adding another top tier jet( while welcome does nothing to help the majority of italian players) is stupid. The last few vehicles they’ve added ww2 wise except the bb were player creations or slight modifications. We can’t even get a ro.57 added into the game that isn’t a one time event vehicle on top of that they added the better version to the premiums and left the worse one to the tree. The ro.58 was considered better than an me410 have they added it? NO. The missing stuff actually is about on par with what they’ve added already. but no we must give italian development time to Hungary. Can’t even add cant 506 which is a 1007 with floats (would have fit well with the german french and swedish float being added and took miniscule effort) or a air dropped torpedo for the reggiane despite whitehead still having the sources which are badly photgraphed in a Croatian book. If they were going to add Hungary which I still dislike I wouldn’t have been as annoyed if they had at least promised to have parity with hungarian additions from now on (after the beginning of the tree releases) or at least promised different devs/equal development time. But this just signals a confirmation deprioritization of ww2 Italian vehicles that started with the 109 and the stuka.


Well you can’t expect Gaijin to continue giving Italy the same development time and then develop Hungary out of nowhere, or else a different country would get less development time and then they’d be mad. Or you can simply deny any representation of minor countries, which will make their players mad. You can’t just say “Put everything on hold, only develop Italian stuff from now on!”. And the devs did confirm they won’t stop developing new Italian vehicles just because they are adding Hungary.

Apparently the creator of that image doesn’t do their job well at all.
9 helicopters are the same helicopter just slightly different variants.

It is not important. I’m just stating what options are available. And it would definitely be better to add, for example, A129D than Mi-24D/V/P.

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Then don’t develop Hungary as a minor tree until Italian stuff has been added. Make them independent if you HAVE to add them. The main argument was “Italy needs them” when that is proven false you all jump to “but minor nations need representation”. This is just forcing Italian players who like Italy to grind more crap while not adding any Italian stuff. You want minor nations good but don’t add them at the expense of others. It’s a terrible idea. Your counter argument to " gaijin won’t develop Italy cause they’re gonna add Hungarian stuff" can’t be " but how can they develop Italy when they have to add Hungarian stuff". Imagine the Italians didn’t get their own tree and the German tree (with the excuse new vehicles are hard to develop) didn’t get anything German while the Italians (all new models BTW) were drop fed one at a time for a year or two. They would make my complaints look MILD. but this is what’s going to happen.


I know reading comprehension may not be your strong suit. My point was the reason gaijin gives for not adding the re.2006 was it was a prototype that never flew but was completed. They have double standards for Italian stuff. The bf109z for example same exact level of completion but it got added. Also you’re wrong about being accepted into service the factory got freaking bombed it was never finished so in a way it’s actually worse than the re.2006. but don’t worry they’ll add it for no other reason than to justify the decision after the fact and then they’ll screech ITS DIFFERENT like they did the bf109z.


Your argument is ridiculous.

You’re saying Italy must be added as an independent tree, then they must get more vehicles for years in updates, then Gaijin must add even more Italian vehicles for years to come until every single Italian vehicle and prototype has been added, and ONLY THEN can Gaijin even DARE to think about maybe representing an already super under-represented minor nation. You seem to think the universe revolves around the Italian tech tree.

Gaijin already added Italy with a good amount of Italian vehicles. Now they are adding Hungary, but they promised they will keep adding both new Italian and Hungarian vehicles. But that’s not good enough for you is it? It must be 100% Italy, 0% any other nation. Just imagine if Gaijin listened to muppets that think like that; Italy still wouldn’t be in the game because Gaijin would still be busy listening to Germany mains that think like you and would still be too busy adding all of the German vehicles before they bother representing smaller powers like Italy. War Thunder would be a terrible game at that rate, it would have no variety at all, so I think most people can agree that it’s best to partially represent two countries in WT than to fully represent one and ignore the other.

And clearly logic isn’t your strong suit when you say stuff like “This is just forcing Italian players who like Italy to grind more crap”; it’s a separate line dummy, you don’t have to grind a single Hungarian vehicle if you are this Italo-supremacist. Just pretend Italy got nothing this update (even though they did), and move on.


Funny that you try to insult my reading, yet you write like a 10 year old. Have you heard of capital letters? Commas? Basic grammar?

Anyway, I read what you said perfectly fine. In your brain prototype Hungarian vehicle = “crap”, prototype Italian vehicle = amazing must-have vehicle. In case you didn’t realise, they are both prototypes, so they are on an equal level. Yet you cry about the addition of Hungarian vehicles. Now I’m not Gaijin so stop whining to me about the Re.2006. It was probably not added because it’s nearly identical to the Re.2005, or maybe it was never built (I only see pictures of Re.2006 models, never the actual prototype that you claim was built, but idk). Not my fault Gaijin refuses to add the Re.2006.

Oh I’m wrong about Hungarian tanks am I? I’m sorry who are you again? Oh yes, someone who knows absolutely nothing about them. Here are some pictures of the 43M Turan III that according to you was “never finished, bombed in a factory, never accepted for service”:
Turan III cropped

So yes, the Turan III was completed, used in trials, and accepted for service (hence the 43M in its name), some sources even say two were made, and some say it was used in the defence of Budapest, much better than the Re.2006 which never flew and only seems to have images of models on the internet. So next time maybe do some research before you make a fool of yourself.

Bottom line: it’s stupid to say we must wait until Italy gets every Italian vehicle before other countries can get theirs. Stop complaining that Gaijin dares to represent more countries, they are still adding Italian vehicles.


has migraine the ITALIAN tree SHOULD be all about italy. But lets add a historical rival into the tree cause “muh hungary”


I digress a bit from your discussion. Here I want to present interesting Hungarian variants of the Italian Reggiane Re.2000 (MÁVAG Héja). I thought there were only two versions, but apparently there is a third version. Not fighter, but dive bomber, which is very interesting.

Its from wikipedia so I am not absolutely sure about it existence.

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When grabbing info from wikipedia, you can have a look at the bottom of the page and find the sources used for the specific part of the wikipedia post, if you give them a read then you can often find more info than is on wikipedia, and you can indepently verify the sources.

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