Hungarian sub tech tree: Italy or Germany?

Exactly. Honestly idk why they are complaining.

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You should know what the Italian TT has to offer, before issuing judgments.


Totally agree.

Already do know what it offers.

Give me some examples.

the swiss was a mad move gotta agree but the argentine TAMS are high percentage german innovations hence they have no other place to be

Tell me, are any of these WW2 tanks in the Italian tech tree actually Italian?

-M4 Tipo IC
-Sherman Vc
-M4 Hybrid
-Pz.IV G
-M26 “D.C.Ariete”

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Ok, you talk like you know everything, patronize people for “completly lacking any knowledge” and “all you did was research for 10 minutes on Google”, then you proceed to say utter rubbish about Hungarian vehicles that you clearly didn’t research for more than 2 minutes on Google, then you push this nationally-pure only Italian tech tree idea (despite the fact that half of WW2 Italy is just American and German copy-paste), and you say Italy doesn’t need a Hungarian subtree, even though Italy has one of the lowest player counts and is one of the most dead tech trees with huge gaps, lacking SPAAGs, poor WW2 vehicles where most people play the copy-pastes rather than the Italian tanks.

How can you seriously say stuff like that? Italy is in a poor state, and the Hungarian subtree will help fix some of it by giving Italy new players and popularity, can offer some SPAAGs, many WW2 tanks that aren’t copy-paste and don’t suck, and a few interesting things at higher tiers too (most of which Gaijin isn’t adding yet, but plans to later).

You are so Italian supremacist that you would rather try to find some never-before-seen picture of Italian Tigers, even though most people say Italy didn’t even operate Tigers but only trained on some, instead of allowing Hungarian Tigers into the Italian TT, which would do the exact same thing, but there is much more evidence that Hungary actually had 13-15 Tigers and actually used them. Then you complain about Soviet junk in the Italian TT, while literally advocating for a captured KV-1 (which I don’t think anyone actually wants). And a captured Churchill? Germany already has a captured Churchill, why give Italy one too? Captured vehicles are stupid additions anyways.

Then you reveal your hypocrisy when you clearly know nothing about the Hungarian TAS (it’s called 44M Tas btw). The 44M Tas had a fully built and working hull, a completed gun and gun sights, and the turret was being built when the 44M Tas was destroyed in a bombing raid. That’s easily 70% complete, while you seem to think the Tas was nowhere near being even 50% complete. The gun sights of the 44M Tas survived and are kept in a museum to this day, there are plenty of images of the scale mockup and the original blueprints, etc., don’t even try to discredit the 44M Tas and say it isn’t real or some crap. And it’s ironic that you want a heavy tank for Italy that isn’t copy-paste, then when one is presented to you (the 44M Tas), you immediately reject it on false reasons, likely because it isn’t Italian.

Then you do this behaviour again by rejecting what you wanted all along (a good top tier MBT and SPAAGs) because they are Hungarian and not Italian. Both the Leopard 2A7 HU and Nimrod (as well as other SPAAGs that Hungary could get that aren’t copy-paste) could be easily added to War Thunder soon and would help fix these problems, but again you don’t want them. You’d rather wait who knows how many years for Italy to buy a Leopard variant that is too modern for this game, just to wait even more years until Gaijin eventually decides to add the Italian Leopard 2A8, just because it’s Italian, and you don’t want a simpler Hungarian alternative. Then you say the iconic Nimrod is unnecessary and mention some irrelevant crap nobody has ever heard of or will ever model in War Thunder.

And you finish off by saying more rubbish about the vehicles in the Hungarian subtree: yes the Csaba is overtiered, that doesn’t mean it’s not needed. The Hungarian Turan tanks are pretty equivalent to German panzers and much better than any Italian tank of WW2, sorry to burst your supremacist bubble, but Hungary could make better tanks in WW2 than Italy. Seriously tell me what 3.7 Italian tank is better than the Turan III, or what 2.3 Italian tank is better than the Turan I? Why would Italy not need these? Then you slander the Zrinyi II for not having AP rounds and you say it’s worse than the Semoventes, when the Zrinyi II is literally better than any Semovente at its tier and even some that are higher tier, the Zrinyi II’s HEAT at 2.7 can pen 120 mm, while your shitty 3.3 Semovente can only pen 100 mm! Not to mention the Zrinyi II has better armour and reverse mobility, as well as smokes. But sure, Semoventes are better and Italy doesn’t need Zrinyis… btw most of Hungary’s copy-paste can be replaced with something unique, but sure, call it an entirely copy-paste tree that ruins Italy.

You just seem blinded by arrogance and your Italian superiority complex, so you just dismiss everything helpful that isn’t Italian. I don’t think you should speak for Italy mains because most of the ones I’ve spoken to (including myself) are happy to get a Hungarian subtree.


L3/33 CC
L40 da 47/32

This vehicles are italian or american?

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Nationalism, and its why there is no point even bothering to try to talk to him


Can you read?


Quite well written. Personally, I understand why they added Hungary to the Italian TT, but I don’t like one thing about the implementation. Gaijin didn’t add the vehicles that connect both countries, which I think is a big mistake because it creates a certain controversy.

So that my criticism is not unfounded, I will present here a suggestion on how, in my opinion, Hungary should have implemented it correctly.

  1. For the ground tree, add Hungarian tanks V-4 early (1st prototype that was sent to Italy for tests) and V-4 late (2nd prototype). It may seem like an insignificant addition, but it will give at least a certain feeling that the countries have something common.

  2. Add the aerial tree, where Hungary used a fairly significant number of modified Italian aircraft (low BR aircrafts). The most interesting are MÁVAG Héja I/II based on Re. 2000.

  3. Hungarian (Soviet) helicopters should not have been added at all (at least not yet) and instead Italian helicopters should have been added, of which Italy has more than enough. It would be enough to add 1 or 2 helicopters from this image to the most critical BR.

To be honest, Gaijin didn’t do the job the best. Let’s say that tanks are relatively okay, but the implementation of practically Soviet helicopters (moreover, on such BRs where Italy already has own helicopters in game) and the absence of the Hungarian aerial tree, which offers the most common Hungary/Italy designs is quite disappointing.


Yeah, I don’t really mind the helicopter situation, but they should add more Italian helicopters. As for the tanks, I’ll soon make an improved subtree suggestion as they missed out way too many Hungarian tanks and added too much copy-paste, even in places where they could’ve added unique Hungarian stuff.

As for the air subtree, I made a suggestion for that too, I really hope it comes because it does link Hungary to Italy better. I personally think it will come in a future update - firstly, if they added Hungarian helicopters, then Hungarian aircraft is likely to follow, also people are asking for it and it just makes sense to add it.


It would be great to look for more designs that connect Hungary and Italy. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about the technology of these countries because I am Russian main. :D

I can tell by your profile pic

The addition of copy paste soviet helis does not mean that italian helicopters are not being worked on, or that they will come any later than planned. it takes time to add a full new model with new weapons and loadouts, it is relatively simple to copy and paste a heli into a different tech tree


What prevented them from copying the A.109 and A129 and adding some additional armament? For example, the A129D would be much more useful for Italy than the Mi-24P, which won’t help them much since they already have a helicopter on that BR. Moreover, they would not have to make a completely new model because the game already has A129. Additional adjustments would just be made.

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Simply, it would take longer than just moving the MI-24’s. They most likely will implement exactly what you have said in the future. if i remember correctly the 24P was at 9.7 in line with the rest of the 24P’s in game, and they do not have any tech tree 9.7 helis currently for RB.

Problem is that on BR 9.7 (RB) Italy dont have any tanks. So you can use BR 10.0 setup where you will use A129CBT or BR 9.0/9.3 where you will use A.109EOA-2.

Yes, adding the Mi-24D/V/P is much faster, but adding a single helicopter like the A129D would have a much greater effect on gameplay. Of course, the A129D and other Italian helicopters will almost certainly come in the future, but the important thing is also to add the right things at the right time.

I didn’t read well. Excuse me.