Hungarian Ground Forces

They were transferred for use in the war, that’s right. But, on an ongoing basis, no one handed them over, respectively, this technique was not listed, including the identification marks of the Hungarian armed forces

This can be compared with this one, but this does not mean that it was in service:



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It was common in Hungary to use german markings on german vehicles, so thats not a big deal :D

Its pretty rare to see them (hun markings) on late german stuff, but is not nonexistent. I mean on most Hungarian Panzer IV G, J, Stug III G, Hetzer pictures these vehicles are lacking hungarian markings, but there is some. It does not matter what marks it has…


Then how to prove that this is the Hungarian version, and not the German one?)

To be honest, let the company rack its brains, in the old documents, not us xD

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In case of Tigers and Panthers both papers say that these were delivered, given to Hungarian armed forces.
Papers also says that some examples of these tanks were available (operational) for the units it operated in.
Papers saying what the Hungarian crew done with them, how battles went.
In case of Tigers there are also pictures (photographic evidence!!!, the thing they asked for) of Hungarian tank aces sitting in their Tigers.


As one character in the Soviet Union said:

Little, it means, will be


Yeah, that’s nice as well, kinda like MLI-81M1, but without atgms.
PS though BTR-80A at least has a unique look, so I think it can stay (especially since it is representing an operationally used unit).


If Hungary, like Austria, leaves Germany, as an ally using German equipment, and not Italian. Even when creating “their” tanks, Hungary bought tanks from Sweden through Germany and remade them. If Italy handed over only 1 aircraft, this does not mean that the whole Hungary sponsored by Germany, and not Italy, should not be from Italy, but from Germany. I’m not asking for Soviet copies from Germany, which so historically got into Germany that I can’t say the same with the history of Hungarian and Finnish (Soviet tanks with 45-91). Italy and Hungary are not compatible, and the fact that if the flag of Hungary is similar to the Italian one, but turned differently is not an Argument.

Hungary Pz-2000Hun +


Hungary is in an odd position with its place in the game, which I see as a result of the fact that the game has spanned several eras.
If you look only at the ground units it really has little connection to the Italian tree. I think the reason why it is going to Italy is that later on the aircraft units will show up sooner or later. While tanks were only acquired from Italy in small numbers (L3/35), it was in the hundreds for aircraft (CR-30/32/42; Re-2000; Ca 101/310/135).

If this had been accomplished before the introduction of Cold War vehicles, years ago, it might not be so “strange”.

I wouldn’t think adding to the German tree is a good idea, because although the Hungarian army put several types of German armour into service in the last years of the war and the use of aircraft shifted towards German types, the German tree is already crowded and it wouldn’t make sense to add Italian aircraft again once they were taken out. On the other hand, if 1-2 more German tanks used in the Hungarian army were added later, it wouldn’t break the Italian tree.


the italiens are not happy


Here is a description of how many Tiger and Panther tanks were in service in the Hungarian Kingdom Ground Forces.


False information. The Hungarian Defense Forces requested 24 HIMARS offers with a deadline of March 2022, but did not receive a meaningful response, so they are not currently considering a HIMARS system.
He is currently thinking about regularizing x amount of AW249 for the Hungarian army. The national defense also bought other French and Swedish devices. There was also talk of buying a CH-47 Chinook, but it would have been sold very expensively in quantities of 6-10.


If they gonna add the helis too, I hope the 24V get the Csőrike (Tweety) camouflage.


Yeah I mostly agree, the ZSU-23-4 was completely unnecessary since Italy already has the SIDAM 25. The ZSU-57-2 is ok, but an Italian SPAAG would’ve been better. I have no idea why they didn’t add the Hungarian 40M Nimrod SPAAG. The BTR 80 was a very stupid addition but the MLI 84 would not be a great idea to mix Romanian BMP based stuff into the Hungarian line. The solution is so obvious and easy: add the Hungarian D-944 PSZH armoured car with 3 Malyutka ATGMs into the BTR 80’s place. It’s a similar vehicle, and it’s Hungarian. The T-72M1 should be replaced with Hungary’s T-72M CURRUS (Hungarian modified/modernised T-72).


Hungarian D-944 PSZH armoured car with 3 Malyutka ATGMs would fit much better than the MLI 84.

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I think mixing in Romania to a Hungarian subtree is a bad idea, no other subtree has to share with another country, and Hungary definitely doesn’t need to as they have enough vehicles. Only if there is absolutely no Hungarian vehicle (or Italian vehicle) available to be added to fill a major gap should Romanian vehicles be considered.

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If you can find a source that it was operated like that, PSZH with Maljutkas is fine. But sadly this vehicle is probably only exists since it is in private hands with dummy missiles

Or, better solution, instead of that Russian anti-aircraft in Hungarian hands, the prototype SIDAM and the one on the C13 hull could be added.

Idk I think it’s ok, especially in case of an air TT, as Romania will bring most of unique stuff + strong pretop tanks, also some Hungarian and Romanian vehicles can be spread across the tree, it can make a TT comparable to 3 big actually. It will also help to avoid unneccessary copypaste. I love the idea of implementing both nations in general, especially since Gaijin’s already desided to go Hungary way)

They should add more Italian helicopters too to not piss them off