Hungarian Ground Forces

dont know what u want to hear, that is the whole argument that already happend and why tiger initialy got declined, because they were more in still in mercenary use the equipment was lend to hungary. Nobody is debuting they didnt use it, but in the name of germany and it stayed german

It was not loaned, this is a mistake. We received it to replace the Hungarian losses. And since there were 3 of them left after the fighting, we returned them because there was no technical support, and they promised to give 13 tons, but the German side couldn’t deliver them, and in August, Tigris I production stopped. Instead, we got the Panther.


this is some useless hair-splitting over details/“supposed requirements” that i never heard or read from gaijin staff. Fleks is the one who wants to see ownership documents because of reasons unknown. For Gaijin its plenty enough to prove that the tanks were transferred and the army used it with its own crew.


I designated the Hungarian military history archive as a source, where the use of the Panther and Tigert is also written as Hungarian property.
I don’t know what other documents he needs, but if you describe them, I’ll ask


thats primary source. its perfectly enough


You can also request information here.


in the end i dont realy care, give hungary the tiger and panther, as long as germany gets a KF31&41 variant in the same update as well


It is clear that they had them, it is clear that they fought on them, but you cannot prove or confirm their official status, since there are simply no documents confirming this fact, neither from museums, nor from private individuals or the Hungarian government. This is the number of times I’ve written about this

Request official documents here.

Why should I do this if this issue has been raised repeatedly? Even the gaijin doesn’t know whether they were put into service or not

A 3/I. honvéd harckocsi zászlóalj katonái német kiképzőjükkel egy Pz. VI Tiger E nehéz harckocsin ülve. Nadworna, [ma: Nadvirna, Ukrajna] 1944. április 27. – június. A honvéd haditudósító század felvétele (96622/Fk)
The 3/I. Soldiers of a tank battalion of the Honvéd with their German trainer in a Pz. VI sitting on a Tiger E heavy tank. Nadworna, [now: Nadvirna, Ukraine] April 27, 1944 - June. Admission of the military correspondent squadron of the Honvéd (96622/Fk)


So what next? How can you tell whose tank it is from a photograph? If: A) There are no identification marks, B) There are no distinctive features of the equipment, C) There is no direct evidence (Documents, Drawings, Recollections of eyewitnesses of the transfer of equipment, and so on)

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A m. kir. 3/I. honvéd harckocsizászlóaljnak átadott Pz. VI. Tiger harckocsival ismerkedik a kezelőszemélyzet német kiképzők irányításával a galíciai Nadvorna körzetében

The m. out. 3/I. handed over to the honvéd tank battalion Pz. VI. The operator gets to know a Tiger tank under the guidance of German trainers in the Galician area of Nadvorna


📸 Recorded by: unknown
Source Hungarian Military History Institute and Museum.


„Honvéd Marder II. páncélvadász védőállásban a keleti fronton.”
A német hadvezetéssel kötött fegyverügyi szerződéseknek megfelelően a Honvédség többször, többféle német vagy zsákmány eredetű eszközt kapott a háború folyamán (általában a megállapodásnál kisebb és főleg sosem elegendő mennyiségben). Ezek sokszor a fronton kerültek gyorsított átadásra a magyar veszteségek pótlására vagy hadrendi kiegészítésként. A fotón látható páncélvadász nyitott küzdőterének oldalpáncélzatán még az eredeti német hadijelzés van felfestve.
A haditudósító század felvétele. (74222/Fk)
Kevesebb jelenjen meg
“Honvéd Marder II. tank destroyer in a defensive position on the eastern front.”
In accordance with the arms contracts concluded with the German military command, the National Defense received several types of equipment of German or booty origin during the war (usually in smaller quantities than the agreement and especially never in sufficient quantities). These were often handed over at the front to replace Hungarian losses or as additions to the military order. The side armor of the tank hunter shown in the photo still has the original German insignia painted on it.
Recording of the war correspondent squadron. (74222/Fk)
As can be seen in the case of Marder II.


Csepel 130 SPAAG DSK 1938 12,7mm machine gun.



I would love to see the T-55 SZRP, could give Italy more of the 8.0-8.7 line up


I already play Hungary as a sub for Italy. I would like to see some more units but not another tech tree in the game. Sub tree is fine, and it recognizes Hungary’s war efforts.


This post was made before the subtree was a thing I think. But I agree. I am enjoying too the italian line-ups around the hungarian vehichles. Both 2.7 and 4.0 with M24, Stug, Sherman is really fun. 5.7-6.0 is good too but I don’t have every vehichle over there yet. (A Tiger or Tas would be handy tho, just to have a little armor somewhere)


Tiger is propably coming as a premium soooo yeah

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Hungary the half battlepass/premium, half regular tech tree, subtree. yuhheee. Lets not even take into consideration that its not a never-delivered tank nor a captured tank…thanks Gaijin.

Albeit there is a sliver of hope, as the Chinese leak in the updated version did not refer to it as premium anymore

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