Hungarian Ground Forces

We gonna have usable proof when they arrive for sure… The CEO was most likely ass-kissing its German audience or is not up to date at all which is a huge shame…holly
There are also cheaper alternatives to the DM 11/HE category which also makes it unbelievable that they would have spent money on a shell that the most modern Leopard can’t utilize.

honestly i couldnt care all to much as long as germany gets a 2A7+ that is basicaly the same as the HU, then its fair for me, i dont know all to much of the differences between Q and HU as well so giving Germany the Q might be an option as well

There is literally no evidence on the forum you posted. They are just discussing the arrival of Leopard 2, they don’t even know themselves whether they have a simple DM-11, or whether the government ordered a programmable one

New Camuflage :
Zrínyi II Camuflage

and, 42M Nimród Budapest Museum.


“we asked for it” I will take the word of a soldier who has in-depth knowledge of the modernization program over some CEO who lumped together 2 different tanks when they are different packages, and one is newer than both the Qatar and the 2A7V.
But again next month the first ones arrive and solid proof will be available then.
What was also part of the discussion is the other shell choices, such as the Polish and Rheinmetall ones, as there was an intention to buy the Polish one.
So what we know for sure is that HU requested the DM11 and the military is looking for a cheaper, high-volume option.

what do you mean with that? didnt the 2A7HU not already arrive in hungary

it did but its a KMW practice that they send a sample vehicle which goes back after a few days and serves as sort of a template for the serial production. They did the same in case of the PzH 2000 order.

If these were real soldiers, and they were discussing the details of modernization (Modification), then this would be done in a closed format, and not in an open format (And using a forum), since this is a judicial matter in each country. Use logic

omegalul. bro… i dont expect you to accept it but trust me… there are multiple soldiers participating as active users on the forum. They only talk about what they can. There is nothing illegal, as this aint fuckin war thunder forum…pls… also its monitored, so ain’t nobody gonna throw away a career over winning an argument.
Anyway, the first 2A7HU tanks are arriving in November. We gonna know then if the CEO is full of shit or not

Well, so you say that a group of soldiers has plausible information about the presence of the Dm-11 programmable in the Leopard 2A7HU modification, although:

  1. The tanks didn’t even arrive
  2. Information is classified and is not subject to dissemination (Exceptions are open sources. And the forum is not an open source)
  3. The position of the manufacturer, no matter how erroneous it was
  4. The nomenclature of shells goes through the government, not ordinary soldiers

Yes, so let’s wait for more truthful information than arguing over nonsense


in good news you guys are getting your machine gun for the leopard


Something new. Nothing much but its something.

PSZH with a 160 hp engine instead of a 100 or 110hp ones.

normal PSZH



name: PSZH-1M
weight: 8000 kg
Crew: 9 (3 of them are the gunner, driver, commander)
power to weight: 14,8 kW
max speed: 100 km/h
max speed in water: 6,5 km/h
engine: RÁBA-MAN D-2155 MG, 118 kW/160 hp
gear: 5+1

Same dimensions and armor as a normal PSZH.

source: at page 297


Found the picture of the BMP BTR. at page 41

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Hi guys! Found a new vehicle.


I think its an UAZ, and its equipped with a SPG-9.

Also we could maybe have a jeep where the personnel fire manpads from the jeep. Igla/Strela



Can someone help me identify whats this big thing mounted on the jeep.

Some more pictures of ATGMs mounted on jeeps.



All pictures come from here:


The unidentified thing is a MILAN ATGM launcher. Not Hungarian, thats for sure…

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GUYS! I just found the pszh prototype! I am so happy!

From this video: Filmhíradók Online / A Vltava hadgyakorlat


Different turret tho, maybe what you found is a dummy or armed with 20 mm…?


I know this, it’s interesting as it has a 14,5mm with a different turret.
It’s located at the Kecel military park, well it was… because when I went there I could not find it.

I asked some employee, he’s not sure but he said it is in storage at the military history museum in Budapest.

Also don’t know if it’s dummy or not, some sources say it had a 20mm autocannon some say it is a dummy gun. And there is mention of a version having a 23 mm from the Mig-15.

this is the B-20 autocannon

This is the NS-23 autocannon

Could be one of these autocannons.

But, now we have a view of the casted turret.

Im not interested in WT low BR modern stuff, but if you do…
Here is a Hungarian BTR prototype

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