Hungarian Ground Forces

Hungarian D-944 PSZH armoured car with 3 Malyutka ATGMs would fit much better than the MLI 84.

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I think mixing in Romania to a Hungarian subtree is a bad idea, no other subtree has to share with another country, and Hungary definitely doesn’t need to as they have enough vehicles. Only if there is absolutely no Hungarian vehicle (or Italian vehicle) available to be added to fill a major gap should Romanian vehicles be considered.

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If you can find a source that it was operated like that, PSZH with Maljutkas is fine. But sadly this vehicle is probably only exists since it is in private hands with dummy missiles

Or, better solution, instead of that Russian anti-aircraft in Hungarian hands, the prototype SIDAM and the one on the C13 hull could be added.

Idk I think it’s ok, especially in case of an air TT, as Romania will bring most of unique stuff + strong pretop tanks, also some Hungarian and Romanian vehicles can be spread across the tree, it can make a TT comparable to 3 big actually. It will also help to avoid unneccessary copypaste. I love the idea of implementing both nations in general, especially since Gaijin’s already desided to go Hungary way)

They should add more Italian helicopters too to not piss them off

i think we are long past that point lol

Here’s the suggestion for it:
Ask the poster if you want to know anything about it.



Maybe Hungary 9K35 Strela 10 ???


Yeah Hungary could get a Strela but people would complain about Soviet copy-paste


@atta26hu in your post you refer to the 14.5 mm KPVT heavy machine gun as the “KVPT machineguns”, which is a typo.

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Seeing all the bug reports in Gaijin’s bug report website about Hungarian WW2 tech, I hope all that stuff gets fixed because honestly these Hungarian tanks are the most interesting part of the update for me.


Quite a good find, the V-4 tank looks very cute.

If in the future the Hungarian branch is expanded in the Cold War era, it will be largely with vehicles of Soviet origin. However, I would prefer to see the vehicles in the bottom row of the list. Yes, they are of Soviet origin, but they were regular in large numbers, and not even in the original tree. (not yet C+P)
( The Nimrod is WW2 but a must have though, good air cover and with that grenade a real troll vehicle. )

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Another could be the Zrinyi H-801 prototype made out of mild steel (so the 75mm of armor would only be ~30mm of RHA effectiveness) and only having 5 degrees of depression.

Mild steel prototypes are handled very weirdly in game. We have a handful, but all are modelled with RHA or CHA except the VT 1-2.

I’ve done a air tree for them as well I know that Hungarian won’t be added as an independent now but it’s still fun to thing about.

This version of the tree is a what if we had a light and a heavy attacker lines.
Br are so out of date as I made this tree an age ago.


Some footage of 2A7HU



apparently neither the Leopard 2A7HU or the Q version are able to program DM11 ammunition, only the german variants are able to use the DM11 effectively