Hull Armor of the M1 Abrams



Even though 2a7 is not in its irl shape its still good I think. Gen 3 thermals dm53 impenetrable cheeks part of the hull protected

I like how you forgot britain


I mean they said theyll made some chally devblog but im sure itll go just as well aa this one

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Can somebody please create a new bug report with the Abrams and Leopard issues?`

The bug reports were closed with “not a bug” but I have seen that we posted more information here that the devs should see!

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Yeah. The 2A7 isn’t what it should be but it’s still very competitive. It would be the best in game if it was buffed to its proper state.

If the hull was true D-tech and UFP being the same as swedish (for some reason ufp on swedish strv122b+ bounces more often) it would be very good

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Devs said m829a3 wouldnt make a difference, they were right, it would make substantial difference. M829a3 would be able to just bypass downgraded 2a7v armored lower plate

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I deleted the game, there’s no point in grinding to top tier anymore, and I’m not going to give my time to a company that blatantly disrespects its own community. They ask for specific sources, where are these same sources for the t90m? The next round of leaks will be on their own hands, because it’s clear it’s what they’re asking for. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that the Russian government is in charge of the game to obtain classified documents. I was excited for this update, but all it did was make me not want to play anymore. Just when you thought they couldn’t disappoint you even more, they find a way to slap you in the face, and dig that hole deeper than ever imaginable.


I love how gaijin defend his decisions of holding most of the nato nations in sh*thole just to make one nation with red flag competetive. The only thing that we can do is grab a popcorn and watch how gaijin perform intelectulal flips and spit in the face of every single player that spend their time to provide vast amount of sources. I know that nations like France or Italy are DEAD in this game(In ground battles), but i never thought that USA will be next. Grab the diving gear Abrams fans, destination bottom o7


Yes. I would much rather have an accurate M829A3 than the reload buff. Right now the reload buff doesn’t make a difference to the Abrams. If you don’t make your first shot count you never get another one. M829A3 should greatly increase the lethality of that first round.


What about Merkava 4? Can you tell us why its so bad in game?

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For the comical value I will imagine it is a 945lbs radio installed.

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Why dont you add DU in turret Gajin? Even you said that the turret has got DU. It would increase its protection to ~~950 ke and ~~1511 heat

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You also cherry-picked the outdated license, the same license that is amended to remove all mentions of any hull limits later that year.

Why does the unspecified M1 turret status leave no confusion as to whether or not they were in production turrets, but when the same status is given to hulls, Gaijin can’t be sure any more?
Amendment 2006 Hull Limit Removal 1
Amendment 2006 Hull Limit Removal 2
2016 Amendment

Especially when we have government documents talking about armor being provided by the Department of Energy in frontal armor improvements.
DOE Armor
Even as early as early as 2002, frontal armor improvements are mentioned.

Then we have these.:
DU Frontal and Turret Side Protection with Suspension Upgrade


No, I will not spoiler these uploads. No, I am not claiming any exact values or precise layout. This is nothing more than evidence that depleted uranium was put in hulls, and in more than the 5 hulls mentioned in the obsolete and amended license originally cited.

I will not entertain any mental gymnastics from deniers.


if it is a Russian vehicle gaijin add for them evertyhing(tunguska rocket ->32g etc…) , if it is a nato or usa vehichle : gaijin give a fuck 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


By most sources you mean 1 source.

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1 source and shit they pulled out of their own ass apparently


They did the same thing with the stinger/mistral G-pull too


Britain is in hell